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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. Hey Ted, just emailed you the link. Best, -Fry
  2. I kind of had a feeling that might be the case. I was only half looking, but my timing will be better soon. Dealing with a sick relative in hospice. Maybe an after the holidays sale
  3. I had been watching their site but it said certain products (including Daiwa) were excluded from the sale... must have missed it. Thx, I saw that one tonight too. Decent price at 20% off, although I bought the same specs in a Tatula from them earlier this year at 37% off. But maybe $100 off is as good as it gets for a Steez??
  4. I was half watching around Black Friday/Cyber week for a screamin’ good deal on a 7.1:1 left retrieve Steez SV TW... but didn’t see anything more than a few bucks off. Might get more serious now if I found a good deal - is there a specific web site or contact that I could look to find best price? Feel free to send PM, thx!
  5. If you look at how much competition there is today to produce the absolute best $100 rod - you could have a different rod from a number of different manufacturers. Alot of today’s $100 rods are superior to the $300 G. Loomis rod I bought in 2002. How times have changed in 15 years! That being said - I have a handful of really good $100 rods, but another handful of $200-300 rods. Nothing higher than that. Now reels, that might be a little different story ...
  6. NO... ...WAY (Do ingredients say Real Magic?!!!?)
  7. I just went out to the recycling bin to retrieve the Real Magic - and I swear radioactive Soylent Green is bubbling over the lid!!
  8. I just threw the remaining bottle of Real Magic in the recycle bin. Gone forever... ...I just hope the bottle is recyclable like it says on the label! Thx guys...
  9. Punch, I think you’re right about the balance of the LTB’s. I honestly think the AvidX is a much better balanced and sensitive rod (I’ve had a couple models of each). But the AvidX is drab and plain and I think the LTB is known for that classic “St. Croix Blue.” Also agree with you on the Daiwa’s... those and Dobyns are hard to beat too IMO... I buy a little bit of everything - enjoy comparing.
  10. Anyone know how Reel Magic and KVD LL are different? Thought they were pretty much the same thing...
  11. Any new models of the Carbonlite this year? Something around 7’-2” or 7’-3” maybe MH or H?
  12. Anyone know the primary difference between the 2017 and 2018 LTB models?
  13. I see they also have Lews rods on their site at least for now..
  14. Thank you, did I remember correctly that they did carry either Daiwa or Dobyns last year too?
  15. I have a credit at Bass Pro Shops and was considering buying a Carbonlite casting rod but they’re no longer for sale on the web site. Despite living in a state with 11,800 lakes - I live 500 miles away from the nearest BPS store! What other reputable rods do they sell (their brands or others)? I thought I remembered they sold Dobyns or Daiwa in the past, would be interested in either. Maybe more models avail in Feb/March?
  16. Anyone tried the 2-3/4 inch Savage Gear 3D Craw? Looks good and appendages float, it’s scented, etc. Like the Yum crawbug posted above by Wisconsin Heat and Tonka blue, the Spring Crawfish color with orange tips are perfect for Mille Lacs and other N. Minn lakes. Anyone tried it? Lot more expensive than the Yum Crawbug though.. https://www.google.com/search?q=spring+crawfish+savage+gear+3d+craw&client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&prmd=svin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj49qXgk-7XAhUF6oMKHX7HDcwQ_AUIEygD&biw=667&bih=325&dpr=3#imgrc=fqLAC--SEpZCrM:
  17. Picked up Panoptix PS22 transducer to go with my 1042xsv... “a drop-shotting video game at its finest!”
  18. My 2 cents... I think the Tatula Heavy 7’-2” is the right choice. If anything it’s just a tad light for a Heavy rod... not a pool cue at all IMO.
  19. 50 degrees today... I knew I winterized too soon. I guess I could go out on trolling motor only.. no wind today anyway - -
  20. Yes, I have two poles rigged for topwater ... one with braid and the other YZH. Works great and doesn’t foul up with the trebles on casts as much as braid can. YZH is neutrally buoyant, doesn’t sink the nose of the topwater lure down. Lowest stretch line you will find outside of braided line.
  21. I see the Rage blade comes with a plastic minnow on it, do you take that off and replace with the Structure Bug? Thx
  22. I have a Daiwa Tatula XT 7’-4” Heavy - would that be overkill? I’m thinking not for pulling fish out of the weeds, but maybe hard to cast a lure that weight..?
  23. Anyone tried this specific frog? Curious how much it weighs and what rod you use? Have to be able to cast it well and pull out of pads/weeds.. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Zoom_Frog_3pk/descpage-ZF3.html
  24. 50lb Seaguar Flippin’ braid and a 12 or 15 lb Yo-zuri Hybrid leader tied with an FG knot. Switched to FG after too many knot failures with Morified Albright.
  25. Here’s an option... no need to tie a leader, plus it sinks more uniformly than a braid mainline plus a leader. Just tie your lure at the end of a 30 inch clear section. You can see it on top very well. I use 16 lb for Flukes, Caffeine Shads, and Senkos. Fairly finesse, not at all just for flipping... although I wish they also made it in 10-12 lb test for really clear water... https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-LNESUNLINE.html?from=basres
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