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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. I believe based on your previous recommendation to get more distance skipping weightless wacky worms, I have the 742c on order (been backordered since May!). I have a couple Tatula SV TW’s and agree with you they are user-friendly but with weightless lures I don’t get enough distance. With the 742c (instead of my 6’-10” standard rod) will I gain significant distance, or would a Zillion or Steez stretch it out that much further than the Tatula? Or just add the Hedgehog bearings to the Tat?
  2. I would be interested in comparing: •Tatula SV TW vs. Curado 150 DC •Steez SV TW vs. Metanium DC
  3. Don’t want to make this a Chevy-Ford debate - rather focus on the individual technologies. Which can cast a weightless lure like a Senko farthest, and with least backlash - the SV or DC systems? Why?
  4. I sent him the picture over the weekend... for all he knows I caught it on a Sunday morning. He seemed to get a kick out of it. Kind of guy you’d like to come along next time - but maybe on a Tuesday when I’m free
  5. Under $250 - answer is Tatula SV TW if you plan to skip lures at all. If not Curado 70 - best reel to palm and functions extremely well. If you want to spend $500 and get the best of both worlds - Steez SV TW.
  6. White and Chartreuse are the original smallie magnets !!
  7. I usually use Sniper 7 lb fluorocarbon, main line no leader...
  8. Totally agree, they are definitely moving from where they’ve been the last month...
  9. You’re in! Let me know your next availability, I don’t like fishing alone unless I have to
  10. I had a chance to test out a new product recently that if you would have told me it was a Whopper Plopper I wouldn’t have known the difference. Same profile, prop, noise, results, etc. Only difference I could find is that it’s 1/3 less in price. Also, the 90 Whopper Plopper does tend to nose dive, the smaller version of the new product does not in my experience. Anyway its less expensive - might afford you to buy an extra lure, size, color. But you’ll have to wait until Sept. Berkley Choppo: https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Berkley_Choppo/descpage-BCH.html
  11. Playing hooky from your consulting job - and catching fish off your client’s dock (while he’s at work) with a photo of his jet ski in the background??
  12. Was out fishing today... have been finding largemouth consistently on jigs in 4-10 fow for weeks now... that is until today. They’ve definitely moved... 81 degree water temps might have something to do with it!
  13. Curado 70, best I’ve ever palmed...
  14. I’m due to sneak out of work pretty soon too - our remaining days to fish this season will start to get numbered very soon...
  15. Good review AJay... I haven’t used those two worms but have others in the Maxscent line. I was an avid Yamasenko wacky worm guy for years. Have switched over to Maxscent “The General” and it catches as many fish as the Yamamoto, costs less, and is more durable. The Creature Hawg is another very good Maxscent soft plastic, I am hopeful it will come out in the Copper/Orange color the General has... I don’t know about you in Michigan but that color is a great crayfish imitator here in Minnesota and would be dynamite for smallmouth.
  16. I use the Slither Rig too... anyone using Grassmaster jig from All-Terrain? I’ve used a ton of jigs for the deeper slop but the GM seems to come through better than most.
  17. Which came first - Whopper Plopper, A-Waker or Top Raider...? Copy cats for years, Berkley is just the latest...
  18. The new Craw Fatty was used above in a taping of the show Lake Commandos and will air on the Sportsman Channel this winter. It was the lure I chose for the duel, and am very glad I did!
  19. Bottom line lure prices have gotten ridiculous. If someone can make something as good for 2/3 the cost that’s good competition IMO.
  20. Had a chance to fish the new Choppo after using the Whopper Plopper the past 3-4 years. How does it compare?? It comes in a 120 and 90 size. Casts a mile, sharp hooks, water prop same as WP. Very similar action/sound if not the same. The 90 doesn’t nose dive like the WP version. Biggest difference? It costs $3-7 less than the Whopper Plopper. Other than that no significant difference in my opinion. Can buy 3 for the price of 2 Ploppers. Plan to do so until I get any indication they aren’t as good. But I think they are. Flattery is is the best compliment, but competition is sometimes a good thing for us consumers.
  21. I think the former Craw Fatty always had good action, now it comes in the Powerbait formula and the smallmouth seem to really like it plain or on a jig..!
  22. Found some river smallies this week... wrist-breakers!
  23. I’m also a big fan of The General after years of using only the Yamasenko. The General has a great sink rate, scent and definitely lasts longer. Up North here the Copper/Orange is a great crawfish imitator. Can’t go wrong with Baby Bass either.
  24. Both can hit like a freight train, but the largemouth can lose steam at the end - where the smallmouth never does. Likem both but my vote is bronze.
  25. I’ve always believed that pound for pound the best freshwater fighting fish is the smallmouth. But the one fish I would like to compare it to is a Wiper... although that’s technically a partial saltwater breed... correct??
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