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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. FryDog62

    Neko Rig

    Thicker worms with floating air bubble tails skipped under docks catch big fish soaking or twitching…
  2. Used to be a fairly common technique back in the 1970’s and 80’s on Pool 4 on the Mississippi River in southern Minnesota. Kind of a lost art, but I’m sure it would still work today…
  3. I’ve actually got the battery for sale on FB Marketplace. But I’m in a saltwater dominated area and there isn’t much demand for small electronics and batteries. So it’s just sitting for sale with no inquiries. Had thought about selling it on sites with national coverage, but the shipping is the hang up…
  4. I could probably sell it in a day in Minnesota. With the saltwater focus down here in Florida, there really isn’t much of a market for small electronics batteries. It’s been on FB Marketplace down here for a week without a sniff. I may take the battery and charger to UPS and get a quote - thx 👍
  5. You're probably right, pretty tough to sell a used lithium unless there is a buyer in the immediate area.
  6. Yeah it looks ugly but potentially do-able. The question is cost??
  7. I was under the impression that you couldn't mail/ship a Lithium Battery... someone told me recently that it can be done since manufacturers routinely mail new batteries to customers. I looked up USPS guidelines on mailing lithium batteries and they are as clear as mud. Anyone know for sure, if it can be done, is it cost-prohibitive? Thinking of shipping a 5 pound Dakota Lithium 18ah battery FWIW. Thx
  8. For me, sit inside kayaks got the shorter rods - but sit on tops (the majority of fishing kayaks today) I use all the standard rods I did with my bass boat.
  9. And ironically, Wilderness Systems kayak won best new kayak product this year.
  10. Bonafide is estimating that the bow motor will have a top end speed of 2-3 mph. So if you want to move faster, one of the electric stern motors like Torqeedo or Newport would provide more speed but hasn’t specifically been tested yet.
  11. Running two motors (even if both are electric) is not allowed in the major kayak tournament trails. What’s interesting is that Chad Hoover (KBF founder/Prez) was pivotal in establishing this rule - but is sponsored by Bonafide. Will be interesting to see if this rule changes or modifies at all with the addition of the new XTR 130.
  12. Very true, but I have so much invested in the AP already, I doubt the Bonafide would be much more in the end. But it’s still far less than I spent on my bass boat and it has all the electronics. I’m good for now (unless I expand the fleet)!
  13. I think the defining issue is if you tournament fish at all. None of the major kayak tournament trails allow the use of 2 motors. So if you went with the powerful motor in the back, you couldn’t have trolling abilities up front, spot-lock (Pinpoint with Lowrance) or jog ability. Given the choice, I’d be bow mount only and hope it’s a fast enough motor, but I have my doubts…
  14. Agreed, and it's about 3-4 inches wider too which makes me wonder how hydrodynamic it is. Not even sure how much thrust you can get in the Xi3 trolling motor. It would have to be a quite a bit more to be faster than the Autopilot. They didn't mention any top-end speeds on the 2-3 videos I saw.
  15. I saw some of the promos from iCast for the Bonafide 130 fishing kayak. Looks pretty deluxe, especially if you want to fish with a second person. It’s built with a bass boat platform in mind. Anyone hear how fast it goes with the Lowrance Xi3 in the front?
  16. Happy belated Tom! -Fry
  17. Yes it has changed the way I fish - more than anything it helps me understand the water I'm on, especially if it's new water. Do I see fish, yes, but more often it's targeting the right kind of structure, cover, depth, etc. I've evolved over time (I've had FFS for 5 years now). The first year I was fixated on just finding fish and wasting too much time playing the video game of trying to get them to bite... and not leaving until they do. Now I'm more about identifying the right spots and hit 'em hard with the techniques that have worked best for me in the past in those conditions.
  18. I prefer the Phenix Classic BFS or Feather Light, or ML over the Dobyns. The Dobyns tip is just too soft to fish around any cover IMO.
  19. I do, it’s my lightest action rod, close to a Dobyns 700 but just slightly more tip. Not something I would use around weeds/cover very much - but in open water trying to cast a 1/16th oz hair jig it’s fantastic.
  20. I’ve had no problems storing my Old Town on 4 inch PVC pipes on a trailer for 3 years. I do keep mine in a garage, but whenever outside or trailering I have a Carver Poly Flex II cover. Always lock it up when outside. Bolt cutters could still be used, but locking deters some theft. Bring electronics, tackle, rods/reels inside. Also, insurance is relatively inexpensive - get a good, comprehensive policy.
  21. I recently started using this reel because it is marketed as excellent for casting extremely light lures. Acid test for me is a 1/16th hair jig which due to surface area and weight is one of the more challenging lures to throw. I am using the 7’1” Phenix Classic BFS Light for this. The key is dialing in the reel. I did set the internal brake at II but initially made the mistake of setting the tension based on a slow fall of the hair jig. I got backlashes. Then, I re-set the tension just barely tighter than a little side-to-side play in the spool. Dialed in, casts great. The only other adjustment I might make is line. I’m currently using 7 lb Sniper, but have heard by going lighter (maybe 5 lb Sniper or 6lb 131 braid) I might get even more distance. This reel seems to be one of the better values in the BFS market.
  22. I grew up fishing smallies in rivers, sounds like with low water levels my Autopilot would be dredging bottom the whole time… too bad for the tournament, never know hope for rain👍
  23. Makes me think I just turn the brightness of my Helix down 20% and I get the 10 hour run time I want…
  24. I could but I just wired everything to the front hatch next to the other battery for the Garmin/Livescope. That's where I was running the 18ah battery for my other Helix before I upgraded the screen and added 360 Imaging. A second battery with more ah that fits would be easier, or I'm just lazy and tired of already re-wiring and want to get back to fishing lol...
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