I went into this with low expectations, really doing this first time for the experience and I enjoyed it.
A couple key learnings for me… First of all the people that did best were the ones that had the whole week to practice, a couple days just isn’t enough. But hey, I’m a consultant and that’s just the way it goes sometimes as the workflow goes up and down… hard to anticipate time off.
The other learning is that having fished in the north most of my life, the approaches are obviously different as you go further south. I fished for decades in the Midwest and Canada which when it came to fishing weeds, the focus was always to find the greenest vegetation, pads, etc. I found out in Florida that during the pre-spawn and into the spawn that is not true at all. As the fish move up to bed, they actually go in the brown, dead Kissimmee grass. And grass is a misnomer… It is not soft blades at all, they’re like miniature little bamboo trees, very stiff and spiney, and very difficult to work lures in and around. Anyway, I wasted a lot of time fishing the wrong stuff.
Hats off to Koz, he arrived to practice before I did and keyed me in on the Kissimmee grass, I only wish we would’ve pre-fished together sooner. He was great to meet. We had some good conversations and even shared some water together on the final day. We both have Autopilot 120s, and went the same speed, which is slower than most everybody else… Lol. Till next time!