Postfrontal morning, 6:30am-11:30am, partly sunny, a little wind from the SW.
Lake of choice today is a mostly featureless, but well-vegetated bowl. It has fished well for me with good sizes in pre-spawn and fall. But agricultural runoff and a curly-leaf pondweed infestation can make weedgrowth hard to negotiate in the height of the summer. It also leaves me skunked with some frequency -- if I can get to the bass I can catch a few, but I can't always get at them easily, so I haven't spent much time here outside of April/may and Sept/Oct.
I found an area of sunfish surface feeding activity over 6', and noticed it was just off the deeper end of weedline running along a subtle drop from 4' to 6'. A buzzbait over this break got a couple good strikes, but no hookups.
A spinnerbait was more persuasive, and immediately so:
This pumpkinseed was a little too curious for its own good:
(Can you guess why I like gold blades in this lake?)
With the sun higher, I moved in on the arrowheads and pads with a senko and a t-rigged zoom lizard, working around the lake:
In the end, 20 bass with the biggest one (on the board above) going 3.28lb. Additionally, the pumpkinseed and two 2-footer pike (one a little more, one a little less).