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About richg99

  • Birthday 09/29/1939

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Crossville TN & Houston Texas
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Dartmoor, Fairfield Glade, TN.

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  • About Me
    retired, love to fish

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  1. I have search the pages and can't find any comments on this question. I live on an 8 acre lake. It allows NO motors, not even a trolling motor. The BAss Raider would probably work well IF it could be rowed. It is a small lake, so distance is not an issue. Does anyone on this site row their Raider or similar boat?
  2. I've had similar action ( or lack of action). One thing that has added a hit or two, when fishing from shore.,is to throw the first cast when I am 10 or 15 feet back. I've watched bass swim quickly away if I get too close.
  3. The One Fatal Sentence in Any Large Consumer Purchase Transaction http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/vip/~3/IblUJ6fVdqU/+whitsongordon
  4. That was near the full moon. Fish stay up all night and feed.I catch very few fish after a full moon. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Ha ha. richg
  5. Re not having water to go along with the soap..I keep a couple of bottles of drinking water in the bottom of my cooler. It is not cool, but at least it is wet. Would work for the clean up too.
  6. This thread sure tells us why fishing is so much fun. Thanks for starting it. richg99
  7. OK...I know many will NOT believe this story..but it is true. About ten years ago, I bought a Glow in the dark She Dog. We use them often when fishing salt water flats. I have access to an 8 acre lake. It is full of one and two pound LM Texas bass. These bass are underfed and dumb. They bite easily. I threw the large She Dog 12 times. I caught 13 small bass. Yep, the last cast hooked a double. I stopped fishing to tell my wife the story. I NEVER caught another fish on that lure. OK, you don't have to believe it..but it did happen richg99
  8. Fishing down on the South TX coast one time, I walked out on to a pier on a rainy day. I felt my hair actually rising from my scalp. Realized I was the highest point around on a very, drizzly day. Ducked way down and RAN back to my vehicle.
  9. If you are fishing Delavan, then you know the fish are there. That's half of the battle. Some if the very best fishing that I ever had was when the weather was changing. Some of that was on Delavan, too. (Another old fart who won't ever get to fish Delavan again...((we moved)).)
  10. Lots if good info above. As far as hooking a fish in the eye..often the hook is protruding out of the eye socket...and not out of the eye ball itself. A careful twist can slip that hook out without further damage to the bass.
  11. Nice story, well told. I've had a couple of ten lb catfish (who hit a bass lure) tow me around in a kayak in years past in Houston TX. I just bought a place on the plateau. Nice to know that there are some good fish up here. Thanks for sharing. richg99
  12. I read someplace that... if a wickable shirt is ironed or even placed in a dryer...the pores close up and they are worthless. richg99
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