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Everything posted by mebisho

  1. Haven't been on the site for a long time. Enjoying catching up on your fish adventures. looks like everyone is having a good season. I'm doing all right but would finally like to master a jig, any tips on what is successful?
  2. After an arm injury forced me to sit out 2015, I am ready to go. I can lift the canoe, which was the rehab goal. But just in case, I got a kayak that weighs half of what the canoe weighs. Hope to see some of you around this season.
  3. Well boys do to some medical screening technicalities. I was given a discharge from the Navy. Huge let down, but I still have my full time job in construction looking to move to Merrimack in march. So I'll still be slaying some pigs with the 603 boys. Watch out Maine and Shane I'm out for that 10lber. Also thanks to my parents I'm taking a month trip to Florida near Daytona Beach for a week then to Boca Raton for the next 3 weeks to do some remodeling for a past customer of my dads. Hope to get on on some hogs as I will have my little V hull boat down there as well and looking to get some fishing in. Springs coming soon boys keep holding out tight lines brothas. I live in Merrimack, perhaps I will run into you on the water
  4. This may seem like a dumb question. With the ban on lead coming up, how can I tell if it is lead I'm using? I have some older jigs mixed in with newer ones, that may or may not be lead. Thanks for the help
  5. Labor Day Saturday, I was able to fish Pine Island in Wakefield on my in laws boat. Nothing big caught, but had a lot of fun. stIll have limited arm use, but I can cast for awhile. Went locally yesterday and landed a very big pickerel and a few bass in the 2 pound range. Not sure how many more times I can get out for the year. Lipless cranks and square bills worked good yesterday
  6. I hit 3 trips in before re-tearing my bicep tendon. Done for the year. I had a trip planned to Pine Island in Wakefield, now it will just be a boat ride. Good luck to all
  7. Back on the water, finally. Nothing to brag about, but I was happy with a bunch of small bass. We will see what tomorrow brings
  8. My arm has been rehabbed enough so that I can now pick up my canoe and load it in the car. It took 10 weeks but I'm ready to hit some ponds and pick up where I left off on Memorial Day. I hope to shred the waters like Tom Brady will shred defenses this year. We're both a little ticked
  9. Still having bicep tendon problems. I can cast for a little while but picking up the canoe is still a no-no. I'm thinking of going to Mills Falls in Nashua and fish the canal. I saw a nice 3-4 lber taken on the 4th, right by the highway. I was also thinking of trying Tower Hill. I understand that there is good bank fishing there. I miss being out on the canoe though. Keep up he good work guys
  10. Got some good news. I won't be having surgery. The tendon wasn't completely torn. I have 6-8 weeks of rehab. I'm prepared to not fish at all this year but I'm more optimistic than I was yesterday. Good luck out there, keep posting
  11. Got some bad news. I tore my biceps tendon, I will not be fishing for a few months. I will be having surgery in the next couple of weeks. Will be trying to rehab so I can get back towards the end of August. Naturally, it's my casting arm and I was having a great spring. But I look forward to a great fall. Good luck, I will be reading your posts
  12. Fished Horseshoe in Meerkmack this morning and as I was packing up, a guy asked if I caught anything. I told all I got was one small bass. He then said that he caught a 12 pound bass from there. I looked at him and then his fishing gear and he asked me what I thought of his catch. I told that I thought he was full of s**t. Kind of mean, I know. I believe that there are some large fish there, I also believe that any bass over 3 pounds would have wrecked his rod and reel. Sorry, but I would need to see the fish to have believed him
  13. Fished the two Merrimacks ponds. Yesterday Naticook was quantity well over 35 fish, bass and pickerel. They wanted the Live Target bluegill square bill bad. I caught 7 fish on 7 casts in a row. I can't remember doing anything like that before. Today, Horseshoe gave me one of my top biggest freshwater fish, it might be #2, a pickerel that was easily a yard long and very thick. I got it on a small PopR and it just kept taking line like a tuna. My guess is about 9 pounds. There were plenty of quality bass too, again on that square bill. Ive had a great spring and I still have 3 more days off
  14. I had the best morning I've had since returning to fishing a year ago. Between 7:30-8:30 I caught 9bass up to 3 pounds, 4 good sized pickerel and a few slab crappie. I got a few more after that and then nothing after 11. I needed a day like that. Primarily beetle spins and spinner baits in the shallows
  15. Thanks for the help, I need a larger diameter tip since I broke a couple of inches off one rod
  16. Is there any place in Southern NH I can get a new rod tip put on?
  17. Finally got my first bass of the season. Nice little chunk of about 1.5 pounds. I'll take it. Water temps sent down from last Sunday. I also broke a rod tip and snarled up a bait caster but good.
  18. I caught a few pickerel and a bull bluegill, caught on black back rat-l-trap.
  19. I'm 0 for 2015, but was never a patient cold water angler. I did see a rather large fish which may have been a carp. No matter what, it was impressive. Water temps up to 54
  20. Horseshoe in Merrimack is 48 degrees. Slow fishing. Any tips on what lures to use when the temps are this low? I tried jig, stick baits, small swim bait. Any input is appreciated
  21. I checked out Horseshoe Pond in Merrimack and wouldn't you know that my car is parked at the ramp and I'm in the canoe fishing. Working the pads with a jig, I'm sure
  22. I know some of you fish Quabbin. 10 days to opening day and it still covered in ice. My brother lives near here and we scoped out moct of it. It's going to be awhile there too
  23. Naticook is fun. There aren't many big fish but there's always some action. The ramp is pretty good. I caught some good sized fish in Horseshoe, fishing the ledges and drop offs. My last trip there in November, I caught my best numbers using a medium diving Bagleys plug with a bluegill finish. In 8 feet of water. Can't wait to get started again
  24. There are about 8 parking spaces, depending on how many trailers there are. Nev wil know more about the current this time of year. I went a few times last summer and the current was manageable I my canoe with a small trolling motor. The dam is up the river and Nev recommends fishing near there. I didn't go too far down the river from the ramp. I hope you don't mind my input, Nev knows it better than I do, but I can understand your concerns
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