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Everything posted by KillerTomato

  1. my friend caught a 10lb catfish on a ritz bitz cracker
  2. When you want to quickly locate fish in an area, what lure do you go to?
  3. yes, this site is the best
  4. funny about the cow thing...my grandpa used the exact opposite method-when cows sitting=bad fishing and vise versa, but who really knows. my personal motto is anytime is a good time for fishing
  5. cast it out, reel in some slack, twitch the rod, let it sit for a few seconds, and repeat
  6. I stay until I catch some fish!
  7. 6 lbs and up is pretty big on my lake
  8. floating rapala or jitterbug
  9. tennesee/florida
  10. getting a good lure caught in a tree
  11. try cranks, jitterbugs and plastic worms
  12. Hello, im new to these forums. I recently rediscovered my love for fishing. I have been having some trouble around this area nearby. (I'll try to describe it the best I can.) there is about a hundred yards across of rocks to stand on to fish. The water is relatively clear, and a lot of rocks underwater in some areas, and none in others. On either side there are large bushing extending up the shore. Along with the bushes ont he right side, there are some boat docks. There is pretty heavy structure here as well. Any suggestions on what type of lures, or how to go about fishing this area. Thanks a lot.
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