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About Jtrout

  • Birthday 01/22/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Odenton md
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Elkhorn lake
  • Other Interests
    Cars guns beer

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Keeper (5/9)



  1. Susquehanna river, conowingo dam
  2. Sorry to hear that may the memories of him live on.
  3. What did the fish weigh?
  4. Horse bit and skeleton key i found yesterday.
  5. Sunday fun day!
  6. My sister was with her boyfriend. They weighed it and said it was 9. How big does it look to to you?
  7. My sisters 9 lb 28 inch wiper.
  8. Theres a tree in my parents backyard and im 100 percent sure its an indian trail marker tree. Ive done good amount of research and believe this is one. Anybody have any knowledge of these? Its in anne arundel county maryland.
  9. Found this yesterday dont know how old it is. Found about 6 inches down in the woods where a farm used to be.
  10. Yea! Ive watched alot of his videos awesome guy and finds the best stuff!
  11. 1940s toy fire truck found next to my parents driveway last week. 4 inches down in a fire ant nest!
  12. Got 3 at elkhorn the other night.
  13. Went to Mississippi a while ago drove to mobile alabama to a flea market and seen butter bean selling razors lol.
  14. Haha james il come if you let me and my gf stay at your house!!! My names james as well?
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