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  1. I stripped about ~25 yards off of it last night. I put a 1/2 oz. weight on it and cast it as far as I could, then walked to the weight. doubling my line distance. I cut the line there and I'm spooling braid on it this weekend. Thanks for all the help.
  2. Thanks for all the feedback. I was 99.9% positive it was too full but I wanted some of your opinions. If you look closely at the top of the spool you can see that the inside of it is black, and the lip is silver. Is this the marking point to stop spooling the line?
  3. Am I over-spooling my reel here? Should I be alarmed with how the top of the line is tapering off? I'm new to all of this and would greatly appreciate some feedback.
  4. Hello all. I recently purchased a Pflueger Summit (SMT30X) spinning reel and I'm planning on buying a St. Croix Triumph 6'6" MF spinning rod. After reading through the forums I've decided to use PowerPro braided line with a fluorocarbon leader. I'm still undecided when it comes to backing with monofilament line first, or to solely use the braided line after placing electrical tape on the spool. What, if any, are the pros and cons of either setup? The main question I have is what pound line is recommended for my reel? Note that the Pflueger Summit (SMT30X) has the same spool size as the Pflueger President (6930X). Regarding my setup, it appears as though most individuals run either 10, 15, or 20lb. braided line. However, I haven't seen anyone mention the 30lb. line. According to PowerPro's specifications, their 30lb. line is equivalent to an 8lb. monofilament line. If I'm understanding what I've read correctly it doesn't appear as though individuals run with anymore than double their casting length with braided line (obviously this doesn't apply to an electrical tape setup). Therefore I fail to see the size of line mattering in regards to spool capacity. Can anyone can help me understand why I shouldn't just use the largest size? My final question regards what size monofilament line, and fluorocarbon line to use. My assumption is that I just go with whatever diameter matches up with the braided line I choose. Ex. PowerPro 20lb. braided would be backed with 6lb. monofilament , and a 6lb. fluorocarbon leader. All answers, corrections, clarifications, and further advise is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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