Have heard great things about the lews speed, I would say have the brake set to what your comfortable with, unless you are in need of a longer cast or you are pitching you wont need to back off, Or if you just want to learn baitcaster without brakes a good way is to start at what you have it on now, then slowly every couple days/weeks/months depending on how much you fish start backing off by one number on your brake, if you go too far too soon you may get a little backlash but keep your thumb in control. Eventually you will be able to cast without spool tensioner or brakes unless its windy. Personally after getting used to the reel I backed off the tension if it was a calm day and it helped me learn my reel say if I need to pitch and my pitching reel broke or isn't with me, I can do it on this reel too. It's great to be able to be versatile with your equipment.