Hey fellas,
I signed up to fish a new lake this year. It's a former gravel pit and I've never really fished a lake quite like it. I was intrigued last year when I found a picture online someone posted of a giant bass he caught out of the lake. Check out the pic, I wasn't aware bass get that big near me (northern burbs of Chicago). Anyway, although I've caught plenty of bass, I haven't caught one even over 2 pounds.
If anyone is interested, here's a summary report on the lake: https://www.lakecountyil.gov/DocumentCenter/View/14164/2015-Lake-Minear-Report-PDF
Could this be an instance where a lake has very few big bass and mainly small stunted bass? I wouldn't consider myself an expert bass fisherman by any means, but I've caught my fair share of 3-5 pound bass. A lake I grew up fishing near this one, I've caught plenty that size. But I've gotten frustrated over the years due to the crazy ski boats that dominate the lake. This new lake however has very low traffic and 10 hp max. Unfortuently, I just haven't been able to find any decent size bass.
Any tips on where I could try? I also attached a map of the lake. Unfortunately, the west side shore of the lake is not open to fishing as it's private to the homeowners but everywhere else is fair game. One thing I noticed about the lake is the massive amount of structure. 5 feet out from shore and it drops like a rock. There's practically no surface vegetation. No docks but decent amount of fallen wood. There's a few raised islands throughout the lake. Any help would be much appreciated.