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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. I find that tip wraps and "wind knots" are mostly line management problems; mostly avoidable with care. I like Jbraid.
  2. That removed barb is your problem. If you are going to go barbless, you must keep pressure on the fish, no slack line! That means to always have a bend in your rod and try to keep the fish from jumping. Those thin wire hooks need very little hook set; some but not much.
  3. Wait a minute, Abu makes Lews? Who knew? Evidently everyone except me! Ever thought about running for President?
  4. What everyone is saying about adjustment time is right, however, it could be that your "reading" area is in the wrong place, for you, or not wide enough. I had that problem with my first pair of trifocals. I took them back and had them remade. Still took time to adjust but the first pair was not going to work. The worst thing about these type of glasses, for me, is looking sideways. The peripheral vision is not as well corrected. So you learn to swivel your head more. I always wondered why old people did that! I am 61 as well. Hate getting older, but it beats the alternative.
  5. He needs to play the Chargers... or take Xanex!
  6. Wind is your friend when fishing TW in clear water. A little chop helps to disguise the bait.
  7. Silent but deadly!
  8. He has a replica. He just didn't know what it was called. Skin mounts require a dead fish and a very talented taxidermist. Also a bunch of cash!
  9. I believe a fiberglass replica and a skin mount are two different things. One needs the skin.
  10. I live in Ramona, as well! Got a ticket for the opener! Should be crazy!
  11. Misty morning and big bass, what a combo!
  12. But who's counting? I use a neko rig which is basically wacky with a nail weight in one end. I also use an o-ring and a weedless wide gap hook. If there are fish around, they will bite this.
  13. It has its challenges. Moon should have been pretty bright. Try a moonless night. I will not do it again!
  14. Don't kill them if you are on a private lake. Grass carp are often stocked to control vegetation and are usually sterile in such situations.
  15. Yep, looks like good-eating to me!
  16. Not to mention the jays! Alarms of the woods!
  17. Three words: Rip and Pause!
  18. The pressure of tournament fishing is a kill joy IMO! In many ways it has killed the sport. I'm an old guy that just likes to fish, ya know?
  19. This, right here! Not sure they are "wind Knots" though. Seems to me they are caused by loose loops that develop on the spool due to the lack of stretch of the braid. I call them snarls. What ever the cause, they are a pain and not totally avoidable.
  20. Better than dishpan hands by a long shot!
  21. Here is an idea: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Windshield-Suction-Cup-Mount-Flexible-Tripod-Holder-For-Camera-Webcam-DV-GPS-/400547171121?hash=item5d4278cb31:g:-6AAAOSwBLlVeQfh
  22. That long skinny bass did not count?
  23. Make sure you put all the parts back right side up. Sometimes just flipping a washer makes a difference.
  24. Unless you really know somebody the general answer is NO! Liability is the reason.
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