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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Certainly gives new meaning to the phrase "Football Season"!
  2. A fish on the line would have made a better story.
  3. They might want me sharing this, but here goes. I got a Revo as a gift that was right-handed. I prefer left-handed reels. So I emailed Abu Garcia and explained my situation. They exchanged the reel with no charge. BTW, I thought I learned recently that Lews is made by Abu Garcia. Yes?
  4. Washington or Canada? Probably Canada. My son lives in Vancouver, WA. Anyway, welcome!
  5. I have what is deemed a Fish-n-Ski. Mine is really old, so I don't know if they still make it. It is a Glastron. BTW, it does just what the name says! We fished and skied for years! Still going strong.
  6. Now that you mention NC, that rings a bell. Yes we were "white water" rafting. Good times! 40 years ago!
  7. I rafted the Natahala River in College. Is that close? I was in Chattanooga.
  8. You can't possibly be a good fisherman if you use and like a cheap rod! (sarcasm) BTW, braid will increase the sensitivity of ANY rod.
  9. Watch them itty bitty springs!!!
  10. I'd be happy if they made a 130 that would keep floating. Two of mine now sink!
  11. Those utility knives are just cheating! Part of carrying a knife is learning to keep it sharp. I have a stone next to my TV remote.
  12. Probably not what you are thinking of, but this is what I always carry. Does most anything I need a knife to do. About $5 bucks on ebay. Cuts braid too!
  13. 1985, only Dixon and Miramar have bigger in San Diego County. Dixon would have had a world record but it was foul hooked. 25+ lbs. Stocked trout make these fish possible.
  14. I doubt 6 people here have heard of Hodges. Try a local forum.
  15. WOW, we have no fish like that or lakes like that! Looks like the ocean!
  16. My story is just odd! I was pulling my tube out of the lake when I heard the unmistakable sound of a cottontail screaming. I look up to see a rabbit running and something flopping behind it. On closer inspection the flopping object was a weasel that had a death grip on what it thought was dinner. My first thought was "get the camera". With camera in hand I approached the melee. I got within about 20' and both critters noticed my presence. The predator let go and ran back to his den in the rocks. The appreciative bunny scampered away. A truly Merlin Perkins moment!
  17. Maybe for another thread; Can bass smell sharpie ink?
  18. Guys are reporting an average of 4 pounders, but they are closer to 3's. Lots of skinny fish. I have been twice and have caught 30, the largest being 3.7lbs. Most of the fish are in 30+ feet of water. For you guys who have only skinny lakes, that may sound weird but San V is now 90' deeper than it was in 2008. Save your money, the way the fishing has been leveling out, it will be just another lake soon.
  19. There are hills in Texas? Who knew? Welcome! (born south of Dallas)
  20. Yeah, unless they have changed something, size dictates the body shape. The big Musky version is more like the 130.
  21. $22 + $8 shipping on Fisherman's Factory Outlet.
  22. Just bait fish or bass chasing them? If there are bass you have to pretty much hit them on the head with Gunfish or fluke.
  23. I hope everyone grows tired of them soon. They worked sooo much better when nobody knew about them yet. I probably caught 4 fish over 4lbs before I finally caught a regular sized fish. That was three years ago. Caught a 3.5 just last week. Yeah, it is a gimmick!
  24. Not sure you can get them anymore, but I use a Berkely Bionix Crankbait rod. It is only rated for 3/4 oz but works fine. I can throw the 130 a mile and the bend in the rod helps with the trebles. Got mine at Fishermen's Factory Outlet.
  25. When I clicked on their ad my Fire Wall warned me not to go there.
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