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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Cover the knot with a piece of tape to keep the knot from messing with your cast. This is critical with a spinning reel.
  2. You certainly don't need enemies! I reckon they came back.
  3. Must have been the brand that Costco sells in bulk: MARATHON! Always thought that was a strange name for TP.
  4. Probably won't get many likes on this, but I like Tufline Supercast! It is a little thicker, but the coating makes it behave very nicely. I also like J-Braid. Most all of the 8 strand lines will be really smooth. Leader length? 3'-4'
  5. Now there's a new one! And while were at it, are Senko knock-offs as good?
  6. Water must be getting harder! Don't bother coming to San Diego, fish are in a funk! Go to FLA.
  7. Monkey Butt and Yellow Perch. They are a little pricey but not a lot, and they are hard to lose.
  8. Good luck with that. I do not have the patience for those baits.
  9. You mean in a couple weeks, right? This IS California!
  10. Yep, I would trade all 14 species for a 14 pound Bass!
  11. It is like any lure; fish get accustomed to them and they don't work as well. I started using them a few years ago. The first 7 fish I caught were in the 4lb range. I was sold. They still work, but not like then. So, yeah, they are way over-hyped and everyone should stop using them!
  12. Even in So Cal the afternoon bite is better in the winter.
  13. Tungsten takes some getting used to. To practice, every time you break off a lead weight, throw a couple bucks in the lake.
  14. I like the pre-bent handles. Saves me the trouble of stepping on them and bending them.
  15. That's putting it mildly!
  16. Did you know that a hangman's is actually a Uni Knot? Seriously though, you mentioned suffering. Romans 8:18 may be helpful. None of us is immune to the ravages of the "bondage of corruption". Verse 28 only makes sense in the light of these preceding verses. My eldest was deceived by alcohol. Two DUI's and a stint in jail helped sober him up. While he was in jail I sent him a letter apologizing for my failures as a father. That seemed to disarm him and allowed healing.
  17. As to the OP's original question about size, I wouldn't know. I am with @WRB on the treble thing! Trebles and thrashing fish = net! Then there is another problem; trebles caught in the net!
  18. Probably cracking down on idiots that put lead directly into the loons (shooting them) would save far more loons. Guys, be careful what you willingly give up. There are powerful groups with the agenda of shutting down any activity that in any way interferes with "nature". Plainly that means shutting down both hunting and fishing! Never mind that the conservation efforts of both sports greatly enhance the populations of animals.
  19. Classic Mr. Mom! Love it!
  20. Takes more that ample food to grow a fish that big. Genetics plays a huge role.
  21. If you are like most of us, you have several cardboard mailer tubes in the rafters. I know I will need them some day!
  22. It will be in California, in San Diego, on a Yum Dinger, at the end of my line!
  23. Have you tried a Uni knot? Very simple, super reliable, and you don't have to put lures with trebles through a big loop. Palomar is for Drop Shot.
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