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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. What he said! The other guys were basically describing a homemade one of these. Your wife probably has one in her sewing box.
  2. While I would agree that reel set up is crucial to casting success, FC is the trickiest of the three lines to cast. It is also the most likely to break once it is kinked. Who hasn't casted and wondered, "why did my line just break after traveling 20 yards." It is usually caused from a previous backlash. That being said, your braid idea is a good one, but your still need to learn to cast FC.
  3. Yep!
  4. Starting last year WalMart started selling decent rods. They have some pretty nice Abu Garcia rods for under $50. Also Academy Sports have the H2O rods for $59. I have two and would buy again.
  5. You are already using 5" Dingers, try 4" dingers and Neko rig them. For some reason one inch makes a lot of difference at times. As to your actual question, you are talking to guys with multiple tackle boxes! Most of us have boxes for each different method. So like aavery2 said, choose a couple lures and fish them. Read and YouTube everything you can about each lure and method. Your tackle boxes will fill themselves, trust me!
  6. I've gone to the Uni for everything except line to line, for which I use the improved Albright, and Drop Shot, for which I use the Palomar. The Uni is quick, easy, strong and does not slip. I seldom use more that 4 wraps. Oh, and it does not use much line from my FC leader.
  7. The only way this makes sense to me is if he is using a spinning reel. Braid is infinitely more manageable on a spinning reel than FC. (IMO) I only tie on a leader in clear water.
  8. They cast like a dream and the drags are unbelievably smooth. I like that the level wind goes back and forth on the cast. Others do not care for that feature.
  9. Romo handed them that game on a silver platter!
  10. Handed a baitcaster to my nephew to do some drop and drift fishing. I said just push the button and let out line til the spool stops. Easy, right? Well, he saw me cast and thought, that doesn't look that hard. Had to cut that one out!
  11. I will respectfully concede defeat on this subject. I was likely working off of old info and ignorance of new technology. Before any kind of brakes or anti backlash devices, guys were using the tension knob in the place of a well-educated thumb. The warning went out that this was not what the tension cap was designed for. Sorry for the confusion, even if it was only on my part.
  12. Correct, but as you tighten it, pressure is put on the bearing. That is why the spool slows down.
  13. It is much like tightening the hub nut on a wheel bearing. You want the wheel to be free with no slop. If you were to get it so tight that it slowed down the wheel, you would wear out the bearing.
  14. You do not want to over-use the spool tension knob for backlash control. Putting too much tension could shorten the life of the bearings. Just tighten it a little past where the side to side movement of the spool stops.
  15. Are we really talking out loud about the "L" word here??? Senkos are as close as I come!
  16. Vibra bat lure. Anybody remember that thing? Pretty sure I did not make it up.
  17. Which would lead me to believe that there is change in the wind. I have been switch-hitting for a couple years now and am leaning toward going 100% lefty. Right now I use both to give my wrist a break. A lot of guys are changing over and not going back. Reel manufacturers should take notice.
  18. I've lost two nice ones this year, but I only estimated them at 7-8 lbs. I have to remember the times when I got a fish to the boat only to be discouraged by the scale. Fish seem to look bigger in the water.
  19. Any chance you have braid tied directly to the spool? If so it will slip and give the allusion that your drag is not working.
  20. I would welcome this line if it does what it says. I use 6lb 100% now and it continues to flow off the reel even after the bail is closed. I practice all the line management tricks and still fight it. As a result I have gone to braid with a leader. I still think that flouro is better, just not worth the trouble.
  21. Sounds like the bass is getting back at you. Stop killing them!
  22. It is thicker than most for the lb test. Very strong, though.
  23. Look at KVD YouTube videos. He is the king of Jerk Baits.
  24. Yep, if I can see the fish, I cannot catch her. Cast to deeper water.
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