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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Yeah! Wait... who are you again? JK, I am the Johnny come lately!
  2. Got the joke, but for real he is usually fishing an Okuma Komodo. From the way the rod jerks that drag is not that smooth. Probably less that 30 bearings.
  3. What bass gear is capable of:
  4. My Composite Cranker is a great Squarebill rod. Not so good for jerks.
  5. Running a trolling motor and fishing in the wind.
  6. Gorgeous truck! No 4wd? Just stay out of that red Georgia clay! I'm jealous, a Suburban (4WD) is as close as I have come to owning a truck.
  7. I doubt the rattle will make any difference. If you are going to be fishing dead calm water, the small one will do. With any chop, you will want the 130. The 90 tends to dive under chop. 2 pounders will eat the 130. BTW, the Plopper is special, nothing like it.
  8. Strange but I have only caught catfish on underspins.
  9. I recently bought an XT. Lighter that the original. Every bit as smooth.
  10. Lead poisoning is much worse, especially if the lead comes for the barrel of a shotgun. LOL, another hard water thread! I eat granola bars. Boringest man alive!
  11. I saw Scott Martin using this method on a kid in one of his videos. Looked like the kid was going to pass out!
  12. That made me cringe!
  13. I've actually done this! Works amazingly well. It works even better if someone else does the jerk on the line. BTW the second method shown above^^^ works as well, but hurts like crazy!
  14. The only thing I test for at home is whether something sinks or floats. I use the toilet tank. No not that part, the clean tank.
  15. This is what I do. Texposing the hook makes it pretty weedless/snagless. I even DS with a Skip Gap hook, with success. Even in super clear water.
  16. However long they come. I don't have a rod stretcher. I have broken a couple tips so I did not keep them as long as they came.
  17. LOL, this is the new "what stick bait is as good as Senko". For what its worth, I feel spastic setting the hook with my non-dominant hand. For a while I felt spastic reeling with my non-dominant hand. I felt the hook setting was more important.
  18. I've been using it for several years. Go to for me. I think it resembles the ned rig to the fish, but it is more weedless.
  19. Pretty cool, but I think there are computer programs that do something similar.
  20. 40 is about as small as I would go on a baitcaster. Much thinner and it will dig in.
  21. Me either, or on anything else, for that matter.
  22. Just shed a tear and sent a prayer. Praying for the "peace that passes understanding".
  23. Lay your snagged rod down and fish a worm or jig before retrieving your lure.
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