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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. I took mine to a local shop and they replaced it for $4, part, labor and all. Doubt your kit will beat that. Check around!
  2. It is just that I've seen a lot of Barries and none looked like that!
  3. Weird looking mount!
  4. I would not count on that rod having guides that would hold up to braid. The good news is that the tip eye takes the lion's share of the abuse. Doesn't take much to replace that one.
  5. Light line, and cast to fish that you cannot see.
  6. You can make one out of just about anything. I made one out of a shower curtain hanger. You can also buy a hook that holds a paint can onto a ladder.
  7. Looks a lot like the uni with an extra pass through the eye. I love the uni knot.
  8. There is a smaller one???
  9. Yeah the brakes have nothing to do with how fast the lure drops. I'm thinking something under the spool tension cap is missing. Did you buy the reel new?
  10. Loosen your drag!
  11. It might not have bearings. Many of those had bushings instead. You would never know by how they feel.
  12. Funny, I got mine new on an ebay special for $123, free shipping. Two years later I could get more for it!
  13. My lake (Sutherland) is two feet lower than it was in October when it closed for 2014. Sad prospects without rain! Have not been any boats launched in two years.
  14. I got a brand new reel as a gift once that was other handed. It was a Revo, so I contacted Abu Garcia and they traded me straight across for the correct one.
  15. Dottie has already been mentioned. Unfortunately she was found belly up a few years back. She was in a tiny lake with stocked trout. Those trout are the key to a new world record. Pretty sure it will happen here, in San Diego. Maybe in the next few weeks!
  16. You let guys in Fla or Ca use live bluegills for bait and that record falls!
  17. I've been know to dip a reel that was making a little noise! In fresh water, that is.
  18. Good question, but don't come here. Our little man-made reservoirs are already too crowded!
  19. Smaller version works on schooling LMB. Use a spinning rod.
  20. LOL! Regular antique!
  21. Is this just for nostalgic purposes? Even a $40 current reel is much better!
  22. If you fish hard bottoms and rocks, all the colors revert back to natural Lead color. Must be a genetic thing!
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