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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. That's crazy! I can never remember my dreams in that much detail.
  2. Probably old school, but I learned instinctive before I bought sights. Damon Howatt Hunter (Recurve). That is a bow without cables and wheels.
  3. Man, wish I could afford to save that much money!
  4. Check this out: http://www.sdfish.com/forums/t/private-pond-produces-big.149129/#post-372971
  5. Man, I wish there were ponds around here.... Wait all of our lakes are ponds, now!
  6. I have popped many fish off on the hook-set with a FC leader on braid mainline. Always broke at the lure. Went to a copoly leader. No problem. Wish I had those fish back!
  7. I have settled on the uni knot. Can tie it in the dark. 4 wraps.
  8. If you stop after just a few cranks and check for twists it will be obvious if you are doing it wrong. If there are twists turn the spool over. Yes walking the line out will correct the problem if there is one. Good luck with the vanish on a spinner!
  9. You don't have TV, do you?
  10. Sorry, I'm in the same boat. Couldn't catch a fish on a spinnerbait if my life depended on it. That's OK because I catch them on other things!
  11. I have a Jann's Netcraft hook sizing chart that is pretty accurate. Comes in handy when replacing trebles.
  12. That's gotta make the line manufacturers smile!
  13. If you are close to San Diego check out SDfish.com.
  14. Thanks, so there is a reason they look alike!
  15. Dumb western question: How do you tell the difference between a pickerel, a northern pike and a muskie. They all look the same to me.
  16. Get the used 5K. Fixing stuff will make a man out of ya!
  17. I like it for murky water. Greens for clear. Funny, you hold that color up to the light and it looks green. The bigger fish seem to like it. Got my pb on a trick worm in that color.
  18. Take those plastic thingies off the hooks and your hook-up ratio will improve!
  19. Take it to a tackle shop and match it up. They will usually replace it, labor and all, for cheaper that those kits. Be sure to get one that will hold up to braid.
  20. Did you stop and start at all? If not I don't know what to tell you except pull it off (in a field) and try again.
  21. Catfish guys like the clicker on 6000 and up.
  22. Yes! The Jika rig is good too. Easy to make.
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