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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. This: http://www.basspro.com/Shimano-Sedona-FD-Spinning-Reel/product/10203500/
  2. Angler's Inn?
  3. A few years back, here in San Diego, a fisherman found an airplane at the bottom of Lower Otay Reservoir.
  4. Braid floats and has no stretch. You want some stretch to avoid tearing out the treble hooks.
  5. I put 6lb FC on a similar sized spinning reel. I hated it! The stuff was so springy that it jumped off the spool even with the bail closed. 10-20 lb braid with a FC leader is the key!
  6. How many did you catch?
  7. I don't have it! I just like to fish!
  8. Since you have an h2o reel how about an h2o Composite Cranker? I like mine for squarebills.
  9. In the unlikely event that I ever visit your home, I will politely decline the chocolate milk.
  10. Figure on problems, and factor in the cost. The cash deal will likely be your best bet.
  11. Somebody mentioned putting Round up on the stump. That will not work. Round up works through the leaves to kill the plant.
  12. Pretty sure you got your engaged and disengaged confused, but we know what you meant. Whatever you do you need to watch your line.
  13. Sounds like whatever you were doing, you need to keep doing! Pic?
  14. They tend to weigh less when held sideways like that. Next time hang it straight down.
  15. You bearing guys are WAY too purist! Or maybe over-bearing would be the word.
  16. Me in my area, or people who know how to fish in my area? Makes all the difference!
  17. If the "reel contest" fish is 3-15, that is definitely a 3+!!!
  18. Climate change! That's what climate does, ya know. That is why there is a weather report every day instead of once a month.
  19. I definitely deserve that!!!
  20. Answered your own question! Inshore is designed for salt which is over-kill for fresh. The Revo Inshore has an insane amount of drag and is not that heavy.
  21. I sometimes get creative with magic markers. Red under the gills and such. I don't think it maters much.
  22. She never used it? BTW, what's a dobber? JK! I think my first was a Shakesphere Wonderod! Of course it had a Wondercast attached. I was sure proud of that set up!
  23. Not that it matters, but that could easily be a 3 pounder. I reference the size of the mouth to the hand holding the fish. Big hand, big mouth. Keep at it! I caught my first 3+ in 2010 later that year my first 5 followed. The next year caught a bunch of 4 pounders. Then came a surprise 8-13. It will get better and better! BTW, hide your scale in your back pack. Then the biggies will think you don't have one. That is when they bite!
  24. Nobody is at first. Practice, don't quit! It will be worth it!
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