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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. I would like to see the Improved Albright go head to head with the double uni. In my experience the Albright wins, hands down. I tie it a little differently, though. I have improved the Improved albright.
  2. I always thought that was the size of fish that you would catch on that rod.
  3. When dropping straight down I like a baitcaster. The line spools off nicer and I am in constant contact with the bait in case they hit it on the way down.
  4. Maybe your lake has hard water! Seriously, are you using them in water that is too shallow for the bait?
  5. I bought a Springfield with an adjustable seat height. It was great at first, then became less than great. The thing wobbles and the seat freely spins.
  6. I had a friend do this very thing in High School. (1972) He caught some bass and put them in a large tank. He then dyed night crawlers with food coloring. I do not remember the outcome.
  7. My Johnson had a similar problem. It would take off great from the dock and run fine for about 1 minute, at which point it would bog and fall off plane. I would let it idle for about a minute or two and then take off again. Many days that would be the last time it would happen. Other days it would happen a couple more times. Want to know what was causing it? Ah, the suspense! Power Packs! Not cheap, but it completely fixed the problem.
  8. Country is not even country any more. Florida Georgia Line is all about this Country Rap or C-rap for short. I could shorten it even more!
  9. When I read the title my first thought was smoke alarm, then cricket! Mice squeak and then usually only when in the mouth of a cat.
  10. Next time take a blurrier pic!
  11. Man, I feel more like I do right now than I ever have before!
  12. MIght try it now!
  13. I like the sound! Makes me feel like I'm doing something when reeling in a fish. Do not use braid when walking through briars!!!
  14. Don't let these guys fool ya. Yeah, uh...we all do this. (get some help)
  15. This has been bantied about before, but why not one more time. With a baitcaster one is in closer contact with the line and bait. Yes, you can use a spinner for most anything, but it is not the best tool for everything. It is NOT the "novice stigma" in my opinion. Any one who thinks like that is missing out on the techniques where spinners shine. One thing that is a definite drawback to the spinner is line twist. Braided line has pretty much solved that problem.
  16. Cool, thanks for the education! Can they cross Female Pike and male Musky?
  17. This Ashley Madison thing has me worried. What if somebody hacks Tackle Warehouse???
  18. Welcome from the land of almost no lakes!
  19. Very nice! Now somebody educate this california boy. Is a Tiger Musky just a variation in markings and color, or a different species?
  20. No Kansas Tuna? What was the real name of that second fish?
  21. Only if the main line is braid. I will only use FC as a leader. The stuff is nasty to cast! I know, my experience, my opinion, for what its worth.
  22. It is really freaky when a Rattlesnake strikes with no head!
  23. The weight of the canoe broke it. Looks like it exploded, which means it was realy stressed. I would not expect a replacement from Abu. It was user error. Having your reel drag set correctly might have saved it. Companies replacing rods, no questions asked, is one reason original costs are so high.
  24. You hit up any of the canals yet?
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