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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Good formula for plastic worms as well.
  2. Something noisy and big, like a rat-l-trap.
  3. But how will he know???
  4. If you are the dentist you could probably go the same day!
  5. Not sure about now but when I bought the book a few years back, the proceeds helped to support Bill's widow. Not sure how the techniques will translate to the rest of the country, seeing as it was written from the framework of the deep, mostly clear lakes of Southern California.
  6. Probably due to the new political climate in the nation. BASS LIVES MATTER!
  7. For $500 that thing should cast itself, net your fish and light your cigar!!!
  8. Very cool. To think I used to hunt and kill those beautiful creatures. I still find nothing wrong with hunting for food. I have just lost my desire to kill.
  9. Not one trick or treater! Lazy kids won't walk up hills! I don't even have a lawn to tell them to get off of. Oh, and I have worked every Sunday for over 35 years, give or take a few.
  10. Beautiful fish! And its good to know there are even bigger ones out there.
  11. If catching fish is boring, then yeah, its boring!
  12. However Aaron Martens says to do it, do that!
  13. I started throwing one about 2 years ago. There were only two sizes at that time and I bought the 130. Amazing lure. Only complaint I have is based on a BIG fish that actually pulled a hook out of the lure. It is possible that I had earlier bounced it off a rock and cracked it. I like to cast very close to rocks. I do not care for the new smaller model. If you cast it way out there in choppy water it will submerge. I have a buddy that uses the Muskie size for bass, with much success! BTW, it excells with wind on the water.
  14. Is it morally right to obey unjust laws?
  15. I expected this to end, "and then I woke up"! Amazing don't cha know! Eh?
  16. But according to the old addage, you would have a fool for a client.
  17. On the books? What does that mean? Is this the effort to save the Salmon, Steelhead and Smelt in the Delta?
  18. This one, believe it or not. http://www.ebay.com/itm/10g-50Kg-Digital-Hanging-Luggage-Fishing-Postal-Balance-Pocket-Weight-Scale-/400489438351?hash=item5d3f07dc8f:g:v1sAAOSwVL1WCQuF
  19. I have a baby burner, not that.
  20. OK, you're right. You're always right!
  21. Which Tuf line product did you buy. I have 15 lb XP and it still gets "wind knots" occasionally. I think those are actually caused by loops that form on the spool and then get caught in the next cast. The Tuf Line coated braids are thicker but more manageable.
  22. Yeah, braid with a leader is not what you want with heavy baits. If anything goes wrong, any sudden stop will tax the short leader beyond its breaking point, as you found out. At least it was not a Deps!
  23. I would switch it up till it felt right.
  24. So... fishing is getting slow in the cold country?
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