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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Yeah, you can cast a mile, but with that 7 to 1 ratio, if you crank really fast you'll be casting again in no time!
  2. I have a lake that I love to fish, and it saddens me when I see crappie fishermen, using live shiners, dragging out 6-7 pound bass and putting them on a stringer. All legal and everything, but those bass will not be caught again! Why speak of catch and release in a thread about live bait? Because many live bait fish are hooked too deeply to be released. The guys I have watched let the fish "take" the bait, meaning completely eat it! Yeah, you can do that with a plastic worm also, but you do not need to. Setting the hook at the first tick usually lip-hooks the fish. Maybe off subject, just a tad!
  3. Don't get the smallest one. Yes it casts a mile but tends to submerge it choppy water. The larger one stays on top and makes a ton of noise. My buddy uses the biggest "pike" model and loves it.(for bass)
  4. Lake Pleasant is to the north, and Roosevelt is south and east, I think. There is an area near the airport called Salt River. Don't know if it is actually salt.
  5. Based on what they caught in the video, what would lead you to believe it would work? Buzz bait seems better, with a proven track record.
  6. Pretty sweet! Just in time for winter storage!
  7. Why all the big reels? Just have to put on more line. Hardly use 40 yards fishing bass. 1000 for me. No coils with braid. If I were worried about colis I would go with a large arbor reel.
  8. 7' Medium. You want some give to the rod using small trebles. Decent combo!
  9. just tell him to wear a PFD and not to stand up! A chunk of styrofoam on either side couldn't hurt!
  10. Name? How 'bout "Good Luck!" Don't test it in deep water!
  11. And some tough times as well, so enjoy her childhood!
  12. You got the Supermodel version.
  13. First time I have heard of a fish imprinting on a human! BTW, your story made me shiver, even sitting next to the wood stove. Love your Ambassadeurs!
  14. A bent paper clip and electrician's tape make a dandy keeper for the weight. I used to pay $4.95 for the real deal until I thought, "wait, that looks like a bent paper clip!"
  15. I'm always amazed at the repetitions in these posts. Do you guys read the prior posts?
  16. Ok, here is the problem with uni/uni. The two loops of line are in direct contact with one another. The braid will cut the mono line. (FC is a mono line.) Breaks occur on hookset.
  17. Bull shark?
  18. Problem I see is that the OP wants a weight that he can easily change. Not sure I would even want to do that seeing how crimping the weight on weakens the line ever so slighlty.
  19. Them little ones is good eatin'.
  20. Why 6:30? You have missed the best bite of the day. Get out before first light. Throw squarebills over the rocks. When it gets light, switch to fly-lined senkos. How heavy a line are you using?
  21. Likely a blessing. I've always told my wife that if we do not go together, I want to go first. Probably selfish, but I think she would do without me better than I without her.
  22. Even in my tube I bring 4 rods. It is a tough choice which 4, and when I get out I always wish I had one more.
  23. Rivers are a different animal.
  24. 50 # braid brings the tree to me! (or straightens the hook)
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