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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Gotta get me some of those... biscuits!
  2. Keeps the fish on. Stiffer, faster rods can rip out small trebles.
  3. I lost a big largie when the belly hook pulled completely out of the bait. It is possible that I cracked the bait when I landed it too close to a rock. BTW, in my experience it is a big fish bait. I probably caught 6 fish on it before I caught one under 4 lbs.
  4. LOL, did you do this on purpose?
  5. Now that's funny right there! I identify!
  6. If this kind of thing keeps happening to you, you might want to change your user name. Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophesy.
  7. I have heard bad things about Force.
  8. Bummer day dude! 30 lbs tomorrow!
  9. I noticed you retrieve in a cadence. Does that give the bait a "jerkbait" look?
  10. Which one is you? The one with the petrified expression or the Boy Scout?
  11. You want a low gear ratio. Those baits are fished slowly. Also get mentally prepared for 1000 casts per bite.
  12. I'm guessing that is not Michigan. Roosevelt?
  13. Zebco 33, Red Cajun, and Helicopter Lure!
  14. He is fishing very heavy lures which makes casting pretty easy.
  15. I have a $200+ rod that I paid $100 for but that is the extent of my splurge on rods. I keep my eyes open for deals and I have never broken a rod. Guys tell me I do not know what I am missing. That could be, but I'll never know! So, I'm good! And I have zero Ugly Sticks!
  16. I would spend it on 3 set ups!
  17. IMO, you need a light-line spinning set-up for finesse techniques. Those techniques catch fish when nothing else does. Also, that 20# FC may be tough to cast.
  18. What keeps me from going that direction is my integrity... that and the fact that I don't catch many fish!
  19. Just make sure you have your two batteries hooked up correctly. Yes there is a way to do it wrong. Guess how I know. A breaker is also a good idea. Diagrams on the net.
  20. I've always figured these guys have hired a scuba diver with a sack full of lunkers.
  21. That electrical tape tip above is invaluable. Will keep a backlash from becoming backlashageddon!
  22. If anyone needs another reason to quit vaping, those things are exploding in people's faces! Yeah, that only happens to somebody else.
  23. Same as above, but I catch 10,000! (first liar doesn't stand a chance)
  24. Black bass at midnight!
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