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Everything posted by Fisher-O-men

  1. Anything other than a recurve is cheating.
  2. I hate scales! They shrink fish! But if you have to have one, this one works great and is ridiculously cheap! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Digital-Fishing-Tools-Portable-Electronic-Scale-Balance-Crap-Fishing-Accessories-/322060343847?hash=item4afc4ada27:g:oMkAAOSwGOxW~0AB
  3. Find a buddy that is experienced with bait casters and have him show you the ropes. Tough to explain on paper. (or screen)
  4. Grass Carp? Snagged?
  5. Nothing, I am reading this on my computer screen!
  6. Probably much like a R.O.U.S., I doubt they exist.
  7. Them little ones is good eatin'. Sure wish we had smallies here! Gorgeous fish!
  8. Wow, which one, there have been a few. Here is my most frustrating: I was dragging a Whopper Plopper 130 along a dock that was anchored in the middle of the lake over 20 feet of water. I wasn't really expecting any action when a large fish slurped my bait. The rig I throw the WP on is pretty heavy and loaded with 30 lb braid and the hooks on the lure are heavy, so my drag was buttoned down. The fish thrashed on the surface a couple times and it appeared that she was hooked well. I got her to within 6' of my tube and was planning my landing strategy when the lure catapulted over my head. Bewildered and disappointed, I examined the lure only to find that the belly hook had pulled out of the lure. Epic fail! That fish still made my day!
  9. Not sure he otter do this! Sorry!
  10. Definitely a LOT of gas involved!
  11. Probably a catfish.
  12. Probably late last year. Bass do not just spawn in the spring.
  13. Your wife is right, that's weird!
  14. That is what FC wants to do on a spinning reel. You can control it by feathering it with your finger. Closing the bail will not stop it. It will continue to fly off with the bail closed, as you already know. Braid with a leader is the way to go. That will not eliminate all problems. If you are not diligent to watch the line on your spool, a loop can result in casting an ugly snarl.
  15. Is the Salt River actually salt?
  16. I found that the 90 is easily submerged in choppy water. The 130 stays on top better and makes a lot more commotion.
  17. I put mine on the factory racks of my Highlander, right side up, and secure it with two ratcheting straps. Done! For your height you will need to open the doors and stand inside the door opening. Reminds me of a song, "short people got...".
  18. Just open it up, spray it full of W-40. it will be fine. NOT! Take it back, now! Even a President is very smooth.
  19. Thanks!
  20. What has happened to the "New Posts" section on the home page???
  21. I use braid and 10# FC leader. I have a theory that because the braid floats it may cause the bait to stay off the bottom on a slightly slack line. Would like to test my theory in a pool.
  22. Re-label that thing and make a million bucks! Before long people will be saying, "I walk my dog on one of the those lure retriever thingies."
  23. Fish has been on Jenny Craig too long.
  24. It may feel like too much when you have it pointed sideways, set on high, and step on the switch!
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