@BaitFinesse Does the inductor move in and out freely? Yes the inductor on the spool moves in and out freely.
Do the centrifugal weights on the inductor move with the inductor? Not sure what weights you are talking about, but the bottom of the magforce inductor has a brown insert that does follow the inductor when pulled in and out.
When the mag dial is turned does the magnet ring rotate? The magnet ring does rotate when the brakes are adjusted.
The notches should be in a straight line when set on max braking on the mag dial. - Yes the magnetic rings notches do line up when the brakes are set at the maximum level.
@iabass8 Not sure what you mean by the inductor coming loose, but it does move in and out freely and the magnetic rings are able to rotate.
@webertime I have no real way of being able to test that, but to me if the inductor spring was too loose it would be over braking not causing backlashes.
I appreciate all the responses guys but I don't see any glaring issues that would be causing this. May have to resort to sending this off as I want to keep this reel in my rotation.