No one forces you to buy it. Personally I could care less what other people spend their money on, none of my business. If you go and buy a ton of crap and rarely if ever use it, that was your choice.
I have 13 guitars, 4 amps, 4 different speaker cabinets and thousands of dollars in effect rack equipment, home studio equipment, etc. It all gets used at some point of other, but mostly I use one guitar, one effect rack and one amp setup 90% of the time, and I use 2 other guitars for specific songs/styles that we play from time to time with the same amp/effect rig. The other stuff is there so I can do what I need/want to do in a given situation. Some people look at me like I have three eyes and two noses when they see the gear I own, one friend looked around and said "when you leaving on tour?"
But I dont sit around pondering "hmmmm..... have I just made my hobby too expensive for no reason? Couldn't I just use one guitar, a couple pedals and one amp all the time instead of having to have a slide guitar setup for 3 songs a year? Am I overcomplicating this and wasting money? Is the guitar playing community just making this too expensive with all these choices out there luring me into spending money on stuff I will never use or is only slightly different than what I already own and use?"
Now if I spent money on something and it never got used in any situation, it would be sold to someone who would use it. No point in it gathering dust in my house when someone else would be using it all the time. But again, it isn't everyone else that made my guitar hobby expensive. It was me. My choice.
So my advice, if you think, as your initial question asks, that this sport is made difficult and expensive for no reason, then that is for you to figure out. But No, no one is making this any more expensive or difficult than you choose for it to be. Personally I LOVE the wide range and variety of things that are out there for me to ponder over buying, but just because the umbrella rig is out there and works in certain situations doesn't mean I am going to buy it. For the record, I own NO umbrella rig stuff at all, for the very reason you posted this. I don't see that it would be useful where and when I fish to the point that I just had to have it because I would use it. The truth is I wouldn't. I dont need an umbrella rig any more than I need an expensive bass boat or a big OB or thousands in electronics. I dont have that either.