Well, first off, I have to say that my rod lockers is full of first gen *** Blacks (which I need to sell), Cabela's Tournament ZX, and Lew's Tournament/Tournament Pro/BB1/BB1-Pro reels and most are spooled with P-Line Floroclear (some don't like it, I do). Just so there is a frame of reference to what I normally fish with. But, I bank fish with 2 cheap combos. I mainly use a 7' MH/F BPS Tourny Special/6.3:1 Tourny Special reel. I do most everything with that. Rarely I will use the 6'6" M/F Tourny Special rod/size 20 Tourny Special spinning reel combo. I spool the baitcaster with 12# Big Game and the spinning setup with 8# Big Game.
On Saturday, I cought a 5 ½ pounder off the bank. The night before I caught a bunch of dinks but a couple of 3's were in there. Those cheap combos didn't miss a beat. Had them for a long while too. On Sunday, I took the boat out and the square bill I wanted to use was tied onto my cheap BPS rod so I just threw it in. As soon as the boat was in and off the ramp, I just got lazy and threw the Tourny Special combo instead of retying the crankbait onto my normal BB1 Pro/Tournament ZX crankbait rod. It just tore them up. That poor Square A is chewed up and beat to pieces now.
I guess it just dawned on me that I feel like I wasted my money on the more expensive stuff. Granted the Omens and the ZX's aren't Loomis or Megabass stuff and the Lew's reels aren't Chronarchs. But each combo cost me about $70 total before tax. And Big Game in the ¼ pound spool? Pennies. The Square A was maybe $3 after tax. I could have filled the boat with Tourny Special setups and had duplicate rods for stuff for way cheaper. I know I have caught more and bigger fish off the Tourny Specials. Drives me nuts.
If I had it to buy all over again, I would have filled my boat with those Tourny Specials. Maybe 12 setups. The reels come in a low 5:1 ratio up to a 7:1. The rods go from medium to heavy power. The have smaller but I could have had 6' up to 7'6" and the 7'6" would telescope to fit my locker. It's just what I should have done in hindsight. I would have had more money for gas, insurance, bigger trolling motor for my Alumacraft with another battery, etc. I guess that cheap stuff just really fits me.
Would you have done anything different with the setups or gear in your boat?