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Everything posted by Letzgofishing

  1. i finally went out to Amelia Earhart Park and i promise you that all i saw was baby bass less then 1 lbs . I walked all over the bank from the lake that is on the left side before the booth on the top entrance and the lake where the bridge is at and no luck so i decided to go to the everglades... do you have any suggestions? have you ever fished the Aerojet Canal?
  2. wusup guys ? well ive been Fishing out of Miami in the Glades and parks. Using a texas rig weedless havoc pit boss and zooms baby brush hogs with a 1/8 bullet weight or a chatter bait in blue and black color with a fluke as a trailer ... A lot of good fishing at the Everglades Holiday Park and Sawgrass Recreational Park and lets not forget the brackish waters... Any good spot like lakes and canals in the Miami Area? ill be fishing Amelia Earhart park soon any advise and good location out of the 5 lakes tthat are in the park?
  3. hey guys i am new to this forum and i live in Miami. Soon ill be heading out to Amelia Earhart park to do some fishing and i heard there's about 5 lakes in the property, which lake would you suggest has the best fishing?
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