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About ikebass15

  • Birthday 06/19/1991

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  • Location
    Houston, Texas. God's Country!
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Minnow (2/9)



  1. For backlashes i go to a department store (Wall Mart works great!) and buy a small crochet needle. the are GREAT!!! for picking out thoose seldom (for me anyways) backlashes.
  2. here's another one........ every time i buy a spinning reel, a spare spool comes with it. so i fill both up with different lb. test line. so if i need a different diameter.... just slip one off and put the other one on. and to keep the line from coming off the spool during storage I just put a rubber band on it.
  3. For a Inexpensive "plug-knocker" i use old spark plugs. they work just great!!!!
  4. ROFL!!!!
  5. Hey ya'll, We could all use a little extra cash. Right? So let's all post our best money saving tips that we use while out on the lake or preparing for our next fishing trip.
  6. I was looking at my latest bassmaster mag and on the side it said it was the september/october issue. i thought we were supposed to get 11 issues and july/agust was the double. is this a typo or are we getting cheated out again??????
  7. If you had $5,000 dollars to spend on only fishing tackle ( rods, reels, lures, etc.) what would you buy? I would get a boat. i am handicapped to bank, kyayk, and connoe fishing at the time.
  8. Area: about 7 or 8 pounds. personal: i'd like a 3 or 4 pounder.
  9. ASTROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. hey papa, you'll love it here!!!
  11. GOOD USE OF SMILEY'S!!!! lol!!
  12. I just wanted to say thank's to all the mods on BassResource.com. they do such a great job keeping things clean and making sure everything is up and running, so let's give them 3 cheer's and a lot of smiley's!! CHEERS, CHEERS, CHEERS!!! smiley's!!!! do you think i did enough? LOL!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
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