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Everything posted by Dillo

  1. If you know how, or are willing to learn, try fly fishing. I took a trip to yellowstone before I was into fishing, now I'm dying to get back up there with a fly rod. Yellowstone has a ton of awesome spots for all kinds of trout fishing.
  2. forget bass, look for some monster cutthroat
  3. I'm not sure if this is in the right forum but none of the others seemed right and I figured that I will be using waders to fish for trout mostly, so here it is. I am looking for a good pair of waders and boots for not too much money. I'm thinking 100-150 for waders and 50-100 for boots. I want something that will last about a year or two of 30-40 fishing days, but something that's cheap. I am 16 years old, so I can't even wear the same pants as a few months ago; obviously I don't want to invest in a 700 pair of Simms I can wear for a year. I've seen some redingtons, frog toggs, and Herters in my range at cabelas, any comments on quality of these brands? Cabelas also has quitea few, but I've never had good experiences with thier products, so I don't want to consider those.
  4. The other day, I was fly fishing on the blue river in Breckenridge, CO. I am fairly friendly when fishing and like to discuss the day's success (or often failure) with every other angler I see, so I tried to make conversation with this man fishing with his family. When I got past his very unfriendly vibe, I noticed he was using a bucket of worms for bait. After a while I noticed him pull in a 20+ inch rainbow, shove his fingers up the gills, and throw it on the stringer with another comparable fish. Now I am not a huge fan or keeping fish for many reasons, but I also was pretty sure the river was C&R only and flies and lures only, but I wasn't sure at the time so I said nothing. Later I looked it up and proved myself right. I didn't have the knowledge at the time to confront the guy, but I'm curious about what all of you do when you see someone doing something illegal on the water.
  5. So far I have only looked at disc drags, but would a click reel be as good or better? I have seen some like the redington drift or orvis battenkill that are in my price range. These are fully machined and it seems like they are pretty simple. For a reel that will last a while without much maintainence, and will be good with low drag, these seem good. Any input?
  6. Get some foam dry flies for fly fishing, tie it on and attach a bobber for weight... You will never enjoy catching a trout more than on a dry
  7. [quote name="CeeJay" post="1797667" timestamp="1435080306 I've never caught a trout in my life, but I'm thinking that rod would be absolutely perfect as a float rod for my panfishing.
  8. I am looking for a 5 weight fly reel to replace a low quality cabelas reel I had for three months that already kicked the dust. I would like to stay around $100. I don't need anything that would handle a mako, I just want something that can handle trout and bass. I also want something, if possible, that can be set pretty low without back lash when stripping line off. Low start up is important. I've been looking at the Lamson liquid, but I'm not sure if it fits my needs; if you know about this reel or another reel in my range let me know.
  9. hell yeah man. I have a small pond near my house with largemouths and various sunfish that I try to fish at as much as possible. It is kinda my secret gem because it looks like a piece of crap but almost always produces a fish for me. People are always surprised to see me catch a fish there and i always get "you don't eat any fish from here, do you?!". what im getting at is that its is a lot of fun and even makes conventional fishing seem boring (to me at least).
  10. I was thinking about getting a boat for fishing in small lakes and even slow rivers, but I have never dealt with boats so i have no idea where to look. What type of boat would be good for shallow water, standing up in, holding two people, and paddling or using a small motor? It would also be nice to be able to transport it and launch it without a big trailer and boat ramp, but i'm sot sure if that is possible with a two person boat. I've tried kayaks before but I'm not super comfortable fishing out of one. I've seen some small aluminum Jon boats and prams that look like they might work for me, but i don't know if there is anything that would suit my needs better. Also i would not like to spend too much, so the boat would have to be under 500.
  11. I have been fly fishing for about 2 months now and can say that it is probably my favorite thing ever. It's been kind of frustrating to learn but now that I am getting more or a feel for casting, mending, retrieves, fly selection, etc., I am having so much fun. I recently used a spinning reel for a trip to Florida ( Indian river) and I could not wait to get back home to my 5 weight Echo. Fly fishing has given me something new to study, practice, and put myself into. Fly fishing makes fishing more fun for me, and that's what it's all about. So it was absolutely worth it to save up money and spend time untangling knots, watching instructional videos ( check out orvis how to fly fish), and not catching fish, because I now have a new passion, as well as a higher interest and level of care for fish.
  12. http://www.bigyflyco.comLooks pretty good, I think I'll buy from there next time. Flies are about 70 cents each!
  13. Fishing here is awesome! Trout, bass, pike, carp, etc. your coming around the beginning of winter but you can fish year round- there are even some 60 degree days in mid-winter.
  14. Anyone know a good spot to find cheap flies for bass/ bluegill/ trout? Either online or around Denver. I lose a lot of flies on snags and bad casts (just starting out) so I can't really afford to pay 2.50 for flies and have a good selection.
  15. I have been using rio power flex leaders and tippet for all of my fly fishing. Recently I have noticed that they fray easily and don't straighten very well, making my dry flies look pretty unnatural (a few inches from the fly, it gets crinkled from knot tying). Does anyone know of any better product? I've heard the build your own leader suggestion but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with so many knots
  16. What do you mean by straight?
  17. I have been using rio power flex leaders and tippet for all of my fly fishing. Recently I have noticed that they fray easily and don't straighten very well, making my dry flies look pretty unnatural (a few inches from the fly, it gets crinkled from knot tying). Does anyone know of any better product? I've heard the build your own leader suggestion but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with so many knots.
  18. When I was a little kid I went fishing with my dad and hooked a wool sock. He told everyone it was a sockeye... Another time I was using a spinner in a stream and somehow hooked a flat rock... In the middle! It was a little disc shaped rock that was about 4in. in diameter. When I reeled it in against the current I thought I caught a really lazy monster trout!
  19. small in-line spinners will catch anything
  20. The welded loop on my rio mainstream line has started to become undone at the connection. I think it happens because the leader hits the line and slices between the very tip and the line it's connected to. I was going to brush some superglue on the connection, but want to make sure it won't make the line sink or the coating wear away.
  21. If possible I'd like to save some money: could I just use my 6-6 medium bass setup?
  22. I got some rio mainstream in 5 wt. I took some backyard casts and it feels awesome. Shoots pretty well and has almost no memory (toward the back it does from being strung up tight) and is very is pretty durable from my experience (no scratches or cracks from fences, rocks and trees). I took it out today on a small stream, but could only roll cast due to a rediculous amount of trees and pedestrians behind me. Floated pretty well, only sunk in the really strong broken currents.
  23. The rio mainstream line sounds good, but it is very heavy. My carbon rod is a pretty moderate action, so loading isn't much of a problem. Would it be good to buy the 4(165 head weight) or even the 3 weight (140 head weight)?
  24. I see the rio mainstream for the same price. Any comments on my that? I hear good things about the company, what's this line like?
  25. I had some Cabelas prestige plus 5wt line for a week and it has started cracking and the coating has split near the tip already. I talked to the customer service and they said they would refund it. I think I got a lemon but I still don't really want to go back to the same line, so I'm looking for the best line for the same price (40$)... Any suggestions? I want a good all- around line for dries and nymphs casting around 10-30 feet with an echo carbon rod. I want floating but not sure about wf or dt.
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