If you want to fish for trout, bass, and stripers with one rod, your gonna have to compromise. A trout rod is ideally a four to six weight. A six, seven, or eight weight would be good for bass (most bass can be landed on a trout rod, but faster rods and heavier line help throw bigger flies), and for stripers (ive never fished for them, this is my impression based on reading), an eight or nine weight is good. You could buy a 6 or seven weight with a good reel, but I would save up and buy two rods if I were you. A five or six weight for the trout and bass, then an 8 weight for the big guys, or giant bass flies. If you spread out the purchases, you can afford better gear that is a better value in the long run. you'll also enjoy fighting trout on a five weight more than on an eight weight, and you probably won't land many stripers on a five weight. You should invest in a better reel for the 8 weight "big fish rod", and you can save money on the lighter rod's reel. As far as flies, it helps to have a good selection and many flies, as you will lose them. My first time fly fishing, I lost half of my flies in two hours (about 12 flies). Check out BigYFlyCo.com, they have awesome prices on flies, and some well thought out application-specific packages. Get what you can reasonably afford and learn how to use it well. A $700 rod is useless if you can't cast it. It sounds crazy, but practicing casting in the yard pays off on the river. I wish you luck and hope you fall in love with this sport like I did!