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    <p>Metairie, LA</p>
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  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>My pond, Poplarville, MS</p>
  • Other Interests
    <p>Saltwater fishing, hunting</p>

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  1. I see where you're going with that now. At first glance it seems kinda high, but I guess not much higher than having kayaks on top of an SUV. The only possible issue you might have with the back higher than the front would be in a very hard rain that flat surface will flow a lot of water onto your cab and windshield. But that's probably not a big issue and the improved aerodynamics might make it the way to go. Good luck -- looks like you found your plans there.
  2. Hi guys...I haven't posted on here since I bought my Bass Raider a couple of years ago. Been really enjoying in on my little bass pond. My property is pretty remote, and I just pull my 10 ft BR up on the bank when I'm done and flip it over, taking the seats inside the camp to lock up when I leave. But I've started to get some poachers onto my property, and have had a few game cameras stolen, so now I'm starting to worry about leaving the boat sitting out by the pond. It's about 300 ft from the camp, so it would be a hassle to bring it in and out all the time. I'm wondering if any of y'all have any ideas or experience with locking a BR up? If it had a through-hull scupper like a SUP, I could run a locking cable through and then around a tree, but I don't see any way to run a cable through my BR in a way that a thief couldn't easily defeat (like through the handles). Of course, I understand that a motivated thief with time on their hands could get through anything I do. I'm just trying to make it harder. I have security cameras on it from a distance, and I don't think most people would want to spend much time in front of them. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  3. I did notice that it didn't take more than a breath of wind to send this thing moving pretty quick. I haven't been out on a windy day yet, so I'll see how I can handle it. Right now I'm using a small anchor tied to the seat bracket, as others have suggested. My son built a short spud pole out of pvc pipe for his kayak in the marsh, and I'll think I'll move to that method. His is only about 4 ft long, so mine will have to be a bit longer.
  4. Just tried out the new 10e Bass Raider on the pond for the first time this weekend. Here's the unlucky bass that christened the boat, on the third cast. Unfortunately, he was the only stupid fish in the pond that day. I was pleased to find that it was easy enough to paddle around this small piece of water, where I rarely need to move more than 20 feet at a time. I can see the need for a trolling motor if you're doing anything more, though. Was especially happy to learn how light this boat is, and how easy it is on my back. A big difference from sitting in a pirogue!
  5. Hi guys -- I found this thread a few days ago when I was pondering getting a Bass Raider for Father's Day (I don't trust my wife to buy my Father's Day present!) and have been lurking and reading since. Great info here; thanks for sharing. Unlike many of you, I'm getting one of these simply so I can fish two people comfortably on my 1.5 acre bass pond. I've been fishing out of a pirogue, but find that very tough on my back and balance. I'm hoping the Bass Raider will let me fish much more comfortably, and hopefully inspire my wife to float along with me for some relaxing afternoons on the pond. As it stands now, I'm only going to have a paddle to move it along. I know it won't paddle too easily, but the pond is small and my expectations modest. I'll let y'all know how it goes....
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