Hi guys...I haven't posted on here since I bought my Bass Raider a couple of years ago. Been really enjoying in on my little bass pond.
My property is pretty remote, and I just pull my 10 ft BR up on the bank when I'm done and flip it over, taking the seats inside the camp to lock up when I leave. But I've started to get some poachers onto my property, and have had a few game cameras stolen, so now I'm starting to worry about leaving the boat sitting out by the pond.
It's about 300 ft from the camp, so it would be a hassle to bring it in and out all the time. I'm wondering if any of y'all have any ideas or experience with locking a BR up? If it had a through-hull scupper like a SUP, I could run a locking cable through and then around a tree, but I don't see any way to run a cable through my BR in a way that a thief couldn't easily defeat (like through the handles).
Of course, I understand that a motivated thief with time on their hands could get through anything I do. I'm just trying to make it harder. I have security cameras on it from a distance, and I don't think most people would want to spend much time in front of them.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!