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Everything posted by bbodkin

  1. How does the anti reverse work if the pawl is out of the reel? It is a pretty annoying peice in the reel. I bent the ears out because the ears would catch on the gears and the handle wouldn't turn. So now the anti reverse works and the handle is smooth, but it just makes a little clicking noise. I found it in the back of a shelf at Academy Sports and they said it was used and it had a couple scuffs. I cleaned a whole bunch of old grease and old springs/screws. Best $25 dollars I've ever spent.
  2. Not spending anymore money. The reason I took it apart myself is because I didn't want to spend the money. Also I love projects. Any help is appreciated with figuring out the clicking noise.
  3. Hey guys. I took my citica apart yesterday after buying it for $25 used. I wanted to take it apart and clean it all the way down to the gears. I am not very familiar with the insides of a baitcasting reel. But anyway I took it apart and ended up messing it up. I eventually fixed it back up but one problem. The drag tightens a tiny bit but then becomes loose again and just spins around without getting tighter. I put everything back in the reel exactly how I found it. The drag worked before I opened the reel. Also, the piece that adds the anti reverse to the gears is catching on the gears and making the reel click when I turn the handle. What should I do about that? Thanks guys for any help you guys give me. Other than that the reel is looking great. UPDATE: I fixed the drag. The drag star wasn't tight enough on the nut that tightens the drag. Therefore it was just rotating in circles. DUH
  4. Ok will I have to prime the boat before I paint it and apply the adhesion promoter? There is already the original paint or dye on it. I haven't stripped it. If I don't need primer, I plan on using the acrylic paint and then adding the promoter. Is that a good way to do it?
  5. Hey guys I am basically wondering how to paint one of the plastic pontoon boats like the bass raiders/bass hunters. It looks pretty ugly right now. It's got s fading bright green but on the side has some black rubber spray coating. I am just trying to paint it somewhat camo. Do I just use plastic primer and spray paint for plastic? Also I am wanting to know how to make a good pattern with the camo to make it look the best.
  6. Hey I decided on a battery tender plus charger. It tells me if its under 80% charged, over 80% or fully charged. And I know if it's plugged up right. Thanks guys for all of the responses.
  7. Hey basically the title explains what I'm looking for. I need a good cheap $20-$30 voltmeter to check the charge left in the battery so that I can charge it properly. Not looking to buy one online. Trying to find one in an auto parts store or bass pro/academy sports kinda place. Sorry for all of the posts I am just trying to get the best bang for my buck, and there seems to be a lot of experienced people on here. Thanks.
  8. So you would go curado? I use a curado I for my mono rod. It's basically Texas rigs and spinner baits/chatterbaits.
  9. Sorry to bring the topic back to life I just didn't want to have to start a new topic when it's right here haha
  10. Lews team lite or Shimano curado 200e7? Using it for flipping and topwater. Pretty much my braid rod. Going on a 7'2 Powell endurance. Have a Chronarch on it right now I just don't like the feeling of it. I've heard he curado e's are amazing. But I have the chance to get a team lite and I like the look of silver/white reels on the endurance.
  11. Hey guys. So I was fishing today and my trolling motor (Minn Kota Turbo 32 lb) slid down from the mount. It ended up being long enough in the water to reach a log with it hit and the prop popped right off onto the edge of the screw. I didn't think anything of it so I put it back in the water and started it again. It ends of spinning off the edge of the screw and I lost it. I have two questions. What prop can I buy that will fit the old white turbo 32 lb thrust minn Kota? And what can I do about the trolling motor sliding down the mount? I have tightened the screw as tight as I can to make the motor stay up but it keeps sliding down. Any help it appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Hey guys. So I have finally purchased a battery for my boat. It's the Costco deep cycle and it is an awesome battery. It has 140 RC minutes and was only $70. I went to charge it last night and I realized the meter on the charger is broken. I have no way to tell how much I discharged from the battery. It is an old charger but still works. Is there any reasonably cheap way to test the charge on a deep cycle battery? Thanks in advance. I put it on for 6 hours with a slow charge. I just put it at 50% discharged because I only ran it on and off for a couple hours.
  13. The maxx 24dc has 92 RC Minutes, 10 less RC minutes than the regular 24dc. The Costco Deep Cycle has 140 RC Minutes so it has 50 more. Don't know why but the maxx series at Walmart has less minutes than the regular series deep cycle.
  14. Thanks guys for all of the repsonses! I ended up walking into radio shack and found a pair of battery clips for jumper cables except they are miniature sized. They fit on the cables perfectly.
  15. Anybody have any luck with the Costco Deep Cycle Marine batteries? The Everstart 24 at Walmart is $75 and you get 101 RC minutes. And the Costco deep cycle is $72 and you get 140 RC minutes. Both batteries have a 1 year warranty.
  16. Hey guys I'm looking for the best cheap battery for a Minn Kota 32lb thrust trolling motor. Just need the cheapest one with the most rc minutes. The only thing I'll be powering is the trolling motor, nothing else. Thanks.
  17. Hey guys. So I'm not sure what they are called. The only thing I know to call them are clasps that hook onto the battery from the trolling motors cord end. Well I bought a boat and it came with a trolling motor but no "clasps" on the end of the cord, just frayed wire. Anyone know where I can find them? Really need help. Thanks.
  18. Hey guys. I'm looking at the bhec-1 on Craigslist. I am wondering if it is a good boat for decent sized ponds. It's just going to be me in the boat obviously since it's a small boat. I am 6'3, 220 lbs. I am wondering if this thing can hold me, a trolling motor, a battery, and some tackle and rods and still hold up. I am really looking to be able to stand in it. I want it to be decently stable so that I can stand. I am moving from a kayak that I can't stand in so a little tilt in the boat when I stand is fine. Anyone with experience with this boat would be a great help. Thanks. I know I won't have the most amount of room but that's fine with me.
  19. Any good ponds in and around Grove Park in Arlington? Not orange park. If anybody knows let me know what you use there. Im from Tallahassee and am visiting some family.
  20. Go with a 5.4:1 for crankbaits. If you are throwing lipless Crankbaits with stuff like chatterbaits and paddle tail swimbaits id get a 6.4:1
  21. Curado I is an AMAZING reel for the price. I don't think you could go wrong with either. But I'd get the curado and use the extra money on baits or something.
  22. Bb1 pro. Tatula is too bulky and heavy. Bb1 pro feels like a feather compared to it. Some people love the tatula but I hate it. My opinion is the lews bb1 pro and im not an all lews guy. I'm a Shimano guy
  23. It's texposed most of the time. Sometimes the hook point will pop out and it will be exposed but it is never buried.
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