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foul hooked

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Everything posted by foul hooked

  1. I fish with both. Both will work well for what you want to do. IMO the Fuego is a much nicer reel, better built. Less plastic. It is more expensive though.
  2. Have had a problem for a couple days now.
  3. So is pre-spawn staging partly a depth acclimation thing? It would seem that the deep fish would need to take time to get up shallower to bedding depth. Just thinking out loud.
  4. How much sustained vertical movement can a basses bladder handle before they need to adjust to the depth change? 2'? 5'? 10'? I assume (dangerous) they have a couple feet either way. Example, fish sitting at 6' can comfortably move up to 4' or down to 8' before having to adjust bladders. Is this comfort zone larger? This is a very intriguing topic. My brain is working now.
  5. Ronin.
  6. I'll second hooks and line. Owner hooks for sure.
  7. I fish a man made residential lake with cement bulkheads that has lots of chunks of cement with rebar tossed into the lake by the construction crews. 12 and 15 lb. CX Premium holds up well when dragged over that stuff. Braid gets eaten alive.
  8. I have been using CX Premium for years. Very strong. Super manageable. My favorite line. I try lots of lines and end up coming back to CX Premium. I use 6# and 8# on my spinning rigs, 12# and 15# on my bait casters. Very small diameter for breaking point. Unlike RW I have never had breaking problems. I have actually cut my hands many times trying to break off the 6# when hung up. My PB was caught on spinning gear with 6#. The fish weighed 6 and change. CXX is less manageable (more memory) but you could use it to haul timber. Super strong and abrasion resistant. The KVD conditioner works well on it. I like the 6# for spinning. I would buy it again. Once I'm finished with the 15# spool I have I will not buy more, I just like the CX Premium better. Hope this helps. If you would like I will send you partial spools of 15# CXX and CX Premium for free. Just send me a PM with your addy and I'll put it in the mail Monday. You have certainly helped out others on this board and I would enjoy helping you.
  9. 1/4 oz is no problem, 3/16 oz is no problem. you will love this reel.
  10. Made a comment on the Bassresource forum that the Revo's brakes stink, then the fight started.
  11. I watched it a couple times. A soap opera involving bikers with gel in their hair. Two thumbs down.
  12. The Syracuse vs. WVU game that year was in Syracuse. I was told this from someone who was there. I graduated from SU in 82 and really hate WVU, but I'm hearing from SU people that a lot of the movie is not historically correct. The racism stuff happened, just not at WVU that year.
  13. Try a Bomber Flat A.
  14. How do you decide which end of the lake to fish? Is it dictated by a particular seasonal pattern you have in mind to try? After looking at the map a novice could be over whelmed by size. Good luck with the doctors Catt.
  15. I'm willing to bet Berkly tinkered with the formula and improved it. I was really leery about trying it after reading bad reviews, but it has worked out fine. Let me add this though. No line stays on my reels very long. I re spool often. I love fresh line.
  16. I've caught a bunch of fish this year using 12# and 14# Vanish. I use Big Game also and find that the memory in the Vanish is no more than the Big Game. The lake I fish is a cement bulkhead lake that has lots of concrete junk on the bottom, it really can chew up line. The Vanish holds up well, it abraids no more than other lines I've used and I've tried just about all of the popular choices. I've also used BP's XPS flouro line, in my experience it is no better than the Vanish. I've never had a knot fail or a fish break me off using Vanish. I fish at least 3 or 4 days a week, so I've given it a good try. I may be lucky that I've gotten a good batch, but I have not had the problems others have had. Maybe they have improved the formula.
  17. I caught a bunch on their jerk baits this spring. This summer I've had decent results with the medium diver.
  18. OK, I've got my map and I've done a little studying. I would like to expand on the cove\creek conversation. 1. Catt stated he likes a cove with a creek channel associated with it, I'm assuming that the bass use the channel as a highway. Do the bait (shad) use the channel for a migration route also? Or are the shad just drawn to the shallower water? 2. Are the bass moving in and out of the coves with creek channels on a daily basis to feed? Are they still spending their down time in deeper water and only moving in the cove\creek to feed? Are the bait migrating in and out of the creek \cove? Is their ever a time when either the bait or the bass stay up in the cove\creek? This is a situation I've wanted to explore for quite some time now. These questions are just scratching the surface. Thanks for your input in advance. This is fun stuff for me and I appreciate your taking time to indulge me. Mike
  19. Green Day is the worst.
  20. KVDs "changing conditions" dvd is the best of the bunch. Tons of practical fishing information. You can watch it a hundred times and still learn something.
  21. I just got a map of TB yesterday. I'm going to catch up by reading this whole thread again while looking at the map. I know I'll have plenty of questions. My neighborhood lake (SW Houston) really cooled off after Ike. Nothing like a bunch of cold rain and a cold front. The fish are starting to perk up some. Jaws are starting to loosen. I look forward to the conversation.
  22. Good luck Jack. I'm hunkered down in Sugar Land. After several days of angst a post storm party is hard to beat. I can't wait to get this behind us. Good or bad, I'm tired of thinking about it.
  23. Thanks you for the offer. I'm in SW Houston and plan on hanging tough. I'm most concerned about having no power for an extended period if it comes our way. Again, thanks for the offer.
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