Great info here. Some one already said this,but I think it is worth repeating. If you can see your shadow on the water, you are standing to close to the edge. Stay away from the edge. for warranty info.
I have Originals, Lowriders and Caras. I've been fishing them hard for several years and never had a problem.
I've never noticed any dissatisfaction with customer service from guys on this board. If there was, you would certainly hear about it.
I'm not a huge braid fan, but I have better hookups using it when pitching jigs.
I've also conditioned myself to try to gently lift up a little with the rod tip feeling for weight (or the lack of) before I try to slam them. Not always an easy thing.
I catch a lot of fish with them. Use them on a split shot rig, use a owner riggin hook size 2/0. You can Texas rig them also using the same hook. They are really buoyant so they stand up real well instead of laying on bottom.
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