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Broadcreek karl

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    Shiloh, n.c.
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    Broadcreek. Just off of the North river as it enters the Albemarle sound.

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  1. Thanks for the replies. All I can say is these must be some timid bass. I had 20 or 30 hits in an hour. and sometimes multiple hits. I'd get a pop and I would let the lure sit and would get 2 or 3 more pops at it. Kind of frustrating.:)
  2. I live in the North East corner of NC. I was out fishing for about an hour or so before sunset yesterday using a Jitterbug topwater lure. I caught a couple nice bass this way but also noticed that at times when I would stop the retrieve something would come up and just thump the bait making a popping sound. It would never take the bait. I figure this wasn't a bass because a bass would most likely explode on this lure. My thinking is it was Brim or some other panfish. Any thoughts on this? Thanks
  3. Thanks for all the great replies. It has given quite a bit to think about and experiment with. One thing that came up in a couple of posts made me think I needed to clarify. The body of water I fish I said was a creek. It's not a creek in the sense of water flow in on direction all the time. It drains a very large swamp but water movement is usually wind driven. it drains into the Albemarle sound which the water level rises and falls with wind speed and direction. this in turn pushes water into or out of the "creek". So in other words I have one other factor to contend with in my education. Good thing I do enjoy learning.
  4. I don't t know about the ponds and lakes you are talking about so can't say one way or the other. If you have a boat I'd get out in the river and fish the river and all of the small creeks that run into it. There are several rivers you can fish within an hours drive as well as small creeks. Just up the road from you across the causeway is Camden. If you turn left onto 343 and go about a mile there is a boat a public boat launch. Not sure how it would be to fish there but might be an option. Explore and enjoy the abundance of water in this great area.
  5. I fish in a wide creek where the water depth averages 3 to 4 feet deep. The water is stained with tannin. I usually fish along the banks from a boat the last couple hours before sunset. Lots of woody structure with standing trees, submerged stumps and logs. My question is, on sunny late afternoon is it better to fish along the sunny or the shady bank, or does it even make a difference? Thanks for any info.
  6. Try preheating your molds. I heat my bullet molds over the pot for 15 or 20 mins. Not sure this will work with your molds but I would suggest find someway to preheat them.
  7. Try asking some tire shops for there old wheel weights. You will have to do some sorting though. There are clip on that are fairly hard, stick on that I think are very close to being pure lead. You also have to sort out zinc, steel, and composite weights. This may be a bit more labor intensive. Depends on how many jigs you want to make, but, it is another avenue to explore. You could also check with roofing companies They sometimes have scrap that comes off of roofs.
  8. I've got a question to add to this posting. I always carry a bar of soap on the boat but don't always have fresh clean water in the boat. How effective do you folks think it is to wash with soap using the water you are fishing in?
  9. Thank you all for the info. Things make a bit more sense now, and I feel a bit more confident with my bait selection instead of just trying a bait to see if it might work.
  10. This is my first post other than to introduce myself. My question is about lure colors. I fish in shallow water. The depth in the creek I fish averages about 3 feet and is stained a deep brown color. I'm told thisnisndue to tannin in the water. It's my understanding for this type of water it is best to use a darker color lure. It would seem to me that the opposite would make sense. Can anyone explain why the darker color works? Also I have found a deeper hole in the same body of water. It ranges anywhere from 10 to 14 feet, same stain color. Are the same darker colors used in deeper water? Thanks for any help.
  11. I'm 50. Started when I was 3. Biggest thing I've learned is I'd rather go fishing then go to work.
  12. I live in the n.e. corner on n.c. I fish mostly the North river, albemarle sound, and currituck sound. Fishing this year has been off with alit of 8 and 9 inch fish. Very few keepers so far. Hoping for bettef in the fall. Karl
  13. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I look forward to veiwing the site and doing some learnin.
  14. Hello folks. My name is Karl and I'm from the upper right corner of N.C. right below the tidewter area of va. I'm new to Bass Resources but been bass fishing all of my life, mostly with live bait but I'm finding I've missed alot by limiting myself that way. I'm looking forward to learning alot here and hope to post a bit to. I fish mostly on broadcreek which empties into the North river right at the mouth as it enters the Albemarle sound.
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