so im newly employed at dicks, and dont get me wrong, my local location has a pretty decent fishing section (wish they would have a better selection of swimbaits), however I don't feel they stock the right rods. For some reason they only have 3 different cast combos stocked, all right hand retrieve, and expensive. In the reel section, they only have a few bait casters stocked. they actually do have a nice rod selection, however I really think they would benefit from cutting down on the dime a dozen spinning reel combos they stock, and adding some more mid range casting combos and reels.
There is an open door policy for employees at dicks giving us the opportunity to make suggestions to the upper management. Should I bring my thoughts forward? if so, how should I go about this?
the only reason I feel like this is kind of a big deal is due to our stores proximity to one of the largest and most productive lakes in the state (less than 8 minutes from a very popular launch).
what do you guys think?