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About C0lt

  • Birthday 03/08/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Danbury, Connecticut
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Candlewood lake
  • Other Interests
    Lacrosse, hiking, siberian huskies

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  1. Ive been using it for a while. Its better in open water than it is in cover because it tends to roll. I also end up losing the tail after 7-8 fish, and after that its useless. I like the standard white and grey mouse color.
  2. I didn't have a clear understanding of your question, I thought you were asking about concealed carry with a flashlight. as far as the 30 ft zones that you could encounter while protecting your home, I live in a state that doesn't have a castle doctrine, meaning that I can only use deadly force in my home if I have retreated as far as I can, and had literally no other option. because of my state laws, im not really allowed to think that way. If you do live in a state with a castle doctrine of a stand your ground law, then yes you could be faced with a situation where you may need to shoot 30ft. as far as the laser goes, by all means if it would make you feel more comfortable. there are some really good laser/light combos on the market. my only question is whether or not ill be able to see a small red dot on a target 30ft out. btw you really hit the nail on the head as far as instructor training goes. A lot of people think that a ccl class and a few weekends at the range is enough, and in my (and your) opinion it really isn't enough. Instructor training is great, and dynamic handgun courses are even better. Not only are they extremely informative and emphasize a wonderful amount of safety, they're also just really fun! You definitely have the right state of mind for this, and I wish you the best.
  3. I wouldn't worry about the laser, its always seemed a little gimmicky to me. As far as the flashlight goes, its a must in my opinion for home defense. as far as a flashlight for a carry firearm, you might have a tough time concealing something with the added bulk of the light (though not impossible). a light would be more practical for carry if you were utilizing an out of waistband holster, however every state has different laws, and social stigma will probably come from wearing a handgun on your hip as a civilian. Ill let you decide. As far as the lazer goes, if youre firing at a target close enough to see the lazer, you should be able to shoot without it just from knowing how you handgun points (im talking 8 yards or less). It should be almost natural. If it isn't you should be shooting more.
  4. My girlfriend makes a really good buffalo chicken dip.
  5. Everyone who's too cool for school chose the 3rd option.
  6. Excellent point. Im not sure where this whole idea of " a 45 will knock a man off his feet with one round" came from, because it wont. If youre looking for something that is designed to physically stop someone in their tracks youre not going to find it in common handgun calibers.
  7. Everything is a matter of opinion and preference. wether its between 9mm vs .45, revolver vs semi, etc. Although I think that most (not all) people today would feel more comfortable with an automatic, I wouldn't feel under powered with a s&w 686+ with 7 rounds of .357 The only thing i vehemently reject is the idea that a 9mm is an underpowered round. Maybe the fmj ball ammunition that is required by the military wont always do the trick immediately. However on the law enforcement and civilian side of this argument, our modern +p hollowpoints in 9mm have without a doubt proven how potent they are.
  8. lol I guess if you were shooting blanks...
  9. western ct. apparently we're in for 2.5-3 ft of snow?? i only have about 7 right now so im not sure what is to come.
  10. No matter how much training you have gone through, how much military/le experience you have, or how much of a range rambo you are, when you get woken up out of a sound sleep and have to defend yourself from an armed invader, your skills WILL break down to some degree. This is certainly a matter of opinion, but why restrict yourself to 5/6 rounds out of a revolver when you can have 15+ out of a semi auto. The old argument used to be reliability, but that argument is beginning to lose its bite with the extreme levels of reliability coming out of our modern semis, specifically the striker fire glock/mp lines. Again, just a mater of opinion,but i would rather stay on the side of caution than rely behind the old bar stool line of ".357 can take down two men with one round."
  11. C0lt

    Shed searching

    I saw a video the other day where someone shot a buck and it shed both antlers on impact of the arrow.
  12. C0lt

    Edc pics

    Smith and Wesson really got it right with the shield (as well as the full size m&p). Plus it's American made. Can't beat that
  13. Small tubes on spinning tackle: visit blue smoke tubes exclusively. Larger tubes bed on spinning or casting tackle I tend to lean towards the sk coffee tubes. I think I like the scent more than the fish do tbh.
  14. C0lt

    Edc pics

    I'm not of age to carry but I am an avid handgun shooter, and I have to give you props on being able to carry the lcp. It's a great gun, I just have never enjoyed shooting anything that small. HUGE fan of the shield though.
  15. I'm honestly glad that you opted for a shotgun over a handgun. You don't appear to have much experience with handguns, so I don't think it would have been your best defense option. (imo) at the end of the day, a handgun just isn't an optimal defense weapon in a situation where you could have a long gun. in my opinion, an ar platform is the optimal home defense tool. 30 round magazine (depending on where you live), light recoil, and endless ways to customize the weapon to your own specifications. With that being said, it would really depend on your state laws, but I feel that if you took a person who has never handled a gun before, and put a 9mm hand gun, a 12 gauge shotgun, and an at-15 in front of them they would have the best chance at using the ar both safely and efficiently. Again, that's just my opinion.
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