The local man that taught me everything i know started wraping on a cardboard box, and after I called him a liar, he proceded to prove me wrong. He has build some of the most beautiful spoonbill snaggin rods ive ever seen, with a homemade hand wrapper and a sewing machine motor dryer. Ive got just the CRB hand wraper and dryer, i think my first order from mudhole was right at $200 and that was with the price of ordering a MHX X-Glass crankin rod. So just as FishinDaddy said, right around $140, and just as he said, ive got some more tools like the power mixer, its probably the best $35 ive spent, you dont have to sit and whip bubbles into your epoxy, it does a nice job in my opinion. I was nervous trying it, but cant get enough of it now, and about to become a mudhole wholesaler haha.