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Everything posted by Strothman

  1. Would it be effective to use both of these? My plan was to use Fuji Microguides and spiral wrap my next SC5. I have also thought of using the microwave guides also, but haven't seen or heard of a lot of people using them on baitcasting rods? Any imput? Thanks
  2. For the application your talking about, I borrowed a 6'10" ML XF St. Croix SC4, I do not believe their is a better rod for that application. I started on mine last night! (FYI, I have an in with my St. Croix guy, and the blank cost me $100 )
  3. I would like any input everybody! I have been building rods for about a year now, and have replaced a few tip tops, and that is about it for the repair side of things. One of my friends gave me about 7 St. Croixs that have problems all the way from needing simple tip tops, to hook keepers, to some that just have epoxy chipping off... The big thing I am confused on is, how am I going to fix that bad epoxy? The wraps are just fine(unless some are loose), but the epoxy is chipped out in places. Do I have to re-wrap everything? Or is there a way to remove the epoxy and leave the wraps? Thanks guys
  4. The local man that taught me everything i know started wraping on a cardboard box, and after I called him a liar, he proceded to prove me wrong. He has build some of the most beautiful spoonbill snaggin rods ive ever seen, with a homemade hand wrapper and a sewing machine motor dryer. Ive got just the CRB hand wraper and dryer, i think my first order from mudhole was right at $200 and that was with the price of ordering a MHX X-Glass crankin rod. So just as FishinDaddy said, right around $140, and just as he said, ive got some more tools like the power mixer, its probably the best $35 ive spent, you dont have to sit and whip bubbles into your epoxy, it does a nice job in my opinion. I was nervous trying it, but cant get enough of it now, and about to become a mudhole wholesaler haha.
  5. 15lb Gamma id say, but I do use a lot of Red Label 15lb
  6. I bought a curado 200e7 out of the bargain cave at Cabela's for $100, wish I could find deals like that more often!
  7. In all honesty, I starting putting more salt in and it helped the problem
  8. Sorry guys, having trouble uploading
  9. Here's what I mean guys, dimples in the plastic, pouring super slow, and using an old socket as a resivore for more plastic to stay supplied so I don't have to top off
  10. Well maby that's our problem, I been using a couple "El Cheapo" 11/16 sockets, but the copper coupling is an awesome idea
  11. Shooting a 5.5 fat beside bears 6 inch stick. The 6 inch sticks come out like a dream, the 5.5s on the other hand, are bothersome. In the time I made 25 regular sticks, I only made 6 fats. Almost all the 5.5s have air pockets. I've tried letting the plastic cool, pour it hot, and can't seem to get them right. Using baitjunkys plastic too by the way. Thanks guys
  12. Comfortably Numb is who showed me how it's done and helped me get started, the man knows what's going on for sure
  13. Only complaint I had when I ordered from baitjunkys was that my order was shipped back and forth between Georgia and Des monies iowa 3 times before it landed at my house in Southeast iowa...but that might not be there fault
  14. Starting to get the hang of pouring. Did somebody say that baitjunkys plastic is actually calhouns? Because I ordered a sample from them and I like their plastic way better than what I'm using
  15. the frog idea is brilliant, as soon as you said that I realized how I learned to be patient and use solid hooksets, and it was with a zoom frog! Thanks for the suggestion!
  16. I really thought that she would loose interest like that, but she doesn't. She gets very aggravated when she breaks off. I try to tell her tungsten weights don't cost much and don't worry bout it, but she worked at a sporting goods store, she don't fall for it. If she is willing to try, I'll go buy an ice cream bucket full of tungsten weights for her
  17. They do in fact stink, we made some more molds and decided it's time to step up to the plate and think about injection molding
  18. g she does that but then kinda just puts tension on them and reels
  19. awesome suggestions, and we already had a lesson on knocking off a 4 pounder with the net, but that was all my fault for the fact she didn't know any better. She's actually doing much better than I expected, she stays positive and when the fish don't bite, it drives her to find another way to find em. I'll keep hinting on the hook set and get her back out for some time on the water
  20. Recently, my girlfriend decided that she wanted to learn about bass fishing. So much that she showed up about a month ago with a new baitcaster rig (she worked at gander mnt, so she got prety good deals). Anyways, she does fine with it and caught on to the baitcaster much faster than I did sadly, lol but she throws a wacky rig, and is catching some good fish. I noticed she doesn't set the hook much more than putting some tension on. When I gave her a Texas rig the other day, she had many bites, but was frustrated because she hooked none of them. I'm trying to teach her to put a hook in em and having a hard time. She watches me, and I smack em due to the fact of being burnt by them getting down and tangled up on drop baits. Anybody else had this problem and worked through it? Or us it something experience will help with?
  21. Does anybody have a recycled Bait Recipe they would be willing to part with? I've heard many say that it is a must to always have some plastisol in your remelts, and I have no idea where to go with hardner or softner. Ready to get started, just lookin for a good base to start with
  22. It seemed a little more runny than that so most likely I got them too hot? Thanks for all your help
  23. I've got some stuff on order, so we will see how things go. I'll have to see if I can snag a microwave. And I'm headed to Des Moines on friday, and they have a northern tool, so they might have a thermometer. So, to answer my question, if I get them to the right temp will they be harder?
  24. Good suggestions. So let's back up a little for the guy who has no experience. I just melted down some old lures until they were liquid, then poured them. So by the way I understand now, I need to bring them up to temp. What is that temp? And the lures I made ended up terribly soft. Is that due to the fact I did not bring them to temp?
  25. My plan is to use heat from a hot plate, unless they have some school time deals on a small microwave. I have not tried it but my younger sister offered me a candle maker, which reminds me of a lee lead poring pot, but for candles. I need to see how hot it will get cause I have my doubts on if it will get hot enough. Has anybody tried the lurecraft 548 extra medium?
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