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Everything posted by buddygr

  2. And that in it self is the problem. All they ever do is stock with cat fish , and trout. The trout all die off by mid June. I don't believe the bank fishermen are all to blame. I believe on the large mouth, after 50 plus years the genetic pool is gone. They have never stocked a new strain of large mouth in the lake.
  3. Is everyone now tired of the small fish in wyandotte lake. I stoped fishing it on wed night becouse of it. I have sent JACK WEBB, the guy that over see the lake the sample report from 06,07. I asked to see one done after that. He will not respond to me. If I find the email to the mayors office I will try him. I believe its time for the fishermen of the county to demand somthing done.
  4. Yep welcome. When and if ever you get one out of wyandotte please post. I sure hope its before I die
  5. I missed a couple of nights and I am being told twice has a fish over 2lbs been borough in. And only twice has there ever been 7fish weighed. And they say nothing is wrong with the lake.
  6. Wed night report We had 15 boats. There were 7 fish brought in . As always nothing over 2lbs. Big fish was 1.84. As for my boat 18 bass, all 13 1/2 to 14 inch. One of the bass we got had a big head small body. ( wonder what's wrong with this pic.)
  7. If anyone is interested in seeing a report on the the fish quality in wyandotte lake for the years of 06,07 send me an email (fgrnfish@aol.com). Look at the report for then and you will see it has declined even more
  8. Bluebasser86. Do us all a favor and email this guy and complain to him as I did. You can find him on the Wyco. Web page
  9. Guys I have contacted JACK WEBB with Wyco about the bass in this lake. He says there is nothing wrong with the bass in this lake. Keep track of how many bass over the size limit. And if you think there is a problem send him a email.
  10. Wednesday 6/26 15 boats. 1 fish turned in. 1.92 won. Still nothing over 2 . My grandson and I had 9 largemouth all 13 1/2 inch. After talking to some others boats we did good. About 5 other boats did not boat a fish. This is sad.
  11. Went out this morning ( sunday) at 6.00 am. Fished up to 11.00 am. 10 bass, the biggest was 13in. Stayed out away from bank, 15 to 25 ft of water. There were two guys in a kyack put in same time as me. Took out same time as I. The first question they asked was are there any bass in this lake over 13 in. I told them people say there is but, I have yet to get one over 14. These guys said they were from ( lake lotawanta). They indicated it was not uncommon to get 3 lb bass at that lake. I asked why they came to wyandotte . That are trying differant lakes in the area with there k yacks.
  12. Well another Wednesday night. 14 boats. Lots of fist. Can't believe how well. And the winner is. """""""":"""" 1 fish 1.74 lbs. This lake is on fire.
  13. I don't see a change my self. I started fishing this lake when I was 10 years old. I am 62 now. All I see is lake going down hill. O well it is what it is. I guess I want the good old days back.
  14. Ok. If you think so. We will see. The waste of money is the trout. But that's ok. Once again we try to address the problem. I just believe we need a new blood line after 50 years of the same line breading year after year. I will say no more
  15. have been fishing the Wyandotte lake for many years. the bass keep getting smaller all the time, and not many in there. they don't check people. Reason for this I am told they don't have the money they once had Does anyone. I fish the wed night . If you get one over 15 you are pretty much a sure winner. That is sad. The county say they have no money, that said would people here but up to offering help to the count just for the stocking for large mouth bass to be stock . I have went back and checked , and I can not find any where that the county has ever stock bass except for when the lake was built. It would only help fishing. This lake should hold large numbers of large mouth bass. I have been told the bass are inter breading which causes smaller fish Who is up for this
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