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Everything posted by TNRanger

  1. Watched him this weekend on bassmasters. He is legit.
  2. Awesome pics man, I'm jealous.
  3. Ok I will be keeping an eye out for excessive growth, thanks.
  4. What time of year was it? The weeds are not bad at all and I have been fishing it reguraly since March.
  5. Drag slow to the side until you find brush. Stop and shake a little then slowly hop/drag over brush.
  6. Big brush hog catches big bass. I love it on a c rig.
  7. I agree. But now that I think about it, the fact that the OP is obviously the Almighty makes me less impressed with those fish. I figured they would all be world records.
  8. Welcome from Jackson TN. I definitely recommend heading to Lexington and fishing Beech Lake, Pine Lake and Pin Oak Lake. Big fish and beautiful scenery.
  9. Exactly. The C-rig stands for confidence rig in my waters.
  10. I was in the same boat as you last year. Ended up finding a 2001 Ranger R71 (17'-1") with a Merc 125 in awesome shape on Craigslist for $7500. Best money I have ever spent... I cannot find a single complaint about the boat and it fits my needs perfectly.
  11. Tennessee Vols first and foremost. Cubs, Titans, Broncos, and Spurs are my pro teams.
  12. 5+ lb 3.75 lb And my favorite co-angler...
  13. I love my pro qualifiers, have 5 of them.
  14. Thugs? SMH. Lebron James, DWade, Ray Allen, and Chris Bosh are absolute model citizens off the court. You can say what you want about them, but they are far from thugs. The Spurs are simply much better. It has absolutely nothing to do with Lebron vs Jordan. Jordan always had the best team and the best coach, hence the undefeated record. He took full advantage of that so I cannot take anything away from him. I grew up watching him and he will always be my favorite player. But I don't hate on Lebron just because he wasn't like the guys I watched back in the day.
  15. Kicked a flailing catfish as a young kid and he spurred me in the big toe (painful). Dropped one of my dad's baitcasters over the edge of the boat while right after getting a small fish off the hook. It's still there. Nearly lost a finger when my launching rope got caught on it once. Forgot to tie my launching rope to the boat once and had to take a quick swim (or watch my boat float away). Removed my aerator pump because it crapped out and forgot to put in the new one before I went out. Quickly found out water comes in through that hole.
  16. Originally from Dyersburg myself. Now living in Jackson mostly fishing the watershed lakes in Lexington.
  17. I've been fishing it regularly this year (since early March). Now that it's summer the top water has been decent early and they move to about 12'-16' after that. I try to fish the points at that depth with crankbaits and Carolina rigs. Few jigs here and there. I've basically learned it's not a numbers lake but it has a lot of big fish. Here's a hog I caught Saturday.
  18. My personal best was this past Saturday. 6.5 lbs on a Carolina rigged green pumpkin brush hog fishing points about 12' deep. He hit it while I was talking on the phone, go figure. Let's just say my wife saw (FaceTime) and heard me get pretty excited so I will have to remember that when I'm supposed to be excited around her again lol.
  19. Hello everyone. My name is Chase and I am from Jackson, TN. Fished as a kid but recently got back into it as an adult. I found a nice little 2001 Ranger R71 on Craigslist late last summer and I love it! We have several lakes in the area but my go-to lake is Beech Lake in Lexington, TN. I am in that stage where I simply cant learn enough about fishing and I am having a blast. Looking forward to learning and contributing to this great forum. Here are a few pictures of my personal best I caught on Saturday (6.5 lbs).
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