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Everything posted by OroBass

  1. Nice fish man!
  2. BR rules thanks for all the input guys. John G your fluorocarbon made the senko fall to fast?
  3. BR rules thanks for all the input guys. John G your fluorocarbon made the senko fall to fast?
  4. Oh yes I'm no stranger to a good knot I was just warned that the Palomar knot tends to burn fluorocarbon regardless.
  5. If the swing impact fats are too pricey I also recommend the regular swing impact. I got the 4 inch ones for like 5 bucks for 8 and they work great too.
  6. Swing impact fat! These are awesome and catch fish. Great soft plastic swim bait. I work Em on a ewg Texas rigged with light weight or on a jig head.
  7. I fish a lot of senko and soft plastic baits. Also I have been told my trusty Palomar knot is not so great on fluorocarbon. Please educate me on fluorocarbon and a good solid knot that won't burn the line thanks guys!
  8. What's up I live in northern cali as well. Welcome.
  9. Granted these are west coast strippers. It's not uncommon to catch 30 or more fish a day ranging from 12 inches to 20 lbs. Some guy caught a 55 lbs a few weeks ago.
  10. I stripper fish a lot because I live close to Sacramento delta. The rig is simple. A sliding weight holder then a bead, swivel, 2 ft leader and quality bait hook 4/0. Weight varies from number 2 to 7 depending on current. I use cut bait and tie the bait on to the hook with magic thread or sewing thread. I use sardines, anchovies, pile worms, shad and eels. Almost same setup we use for sturgeon. You can also use live minnows but they are a pain. Plastics work to but fresh cut bait is how it's done. Good luck
  11. When I started out I focused on one technique at a time. Learn how to Texas rig plastics! Learn how to properly fish a senko. There are no magic baits but beginners have a better chance with baits that have built in action. I turn a lot of guys on to swing impact fats because the bait does most the work. Tight lines my friend
  12. When I started out I focused on one technique at a time. Learn how to Texas rig plastics! Learn how to properly fish a senko. There are no magic baits but beginners have a better chance with baits that have built in action. I turn a lot of guys on to swing impact fats because the bait does most the work. Tight lines my friend
  13. Medium heavy was still able to cast decent? That's two people so I'll be checking it out thanks.
  14. I'm shopping for a new bc rod I fish a lot of plastics on t rigs and throw senkos. I currently use a ugly stick get medium and I want to step up.
  15. I use a lot of Texas rigged plastics and senkos. I would love some advise on a rod.
  16. I'm new on these forums and live in oroville. I do a ton a tube fishing.
  17. I'd like to trade advise about our local spots and techniques.
  18. Been learning a lot from this sight. Figured I could lend some advise from this end of the country.
  19. I live in northern cali and have pretty clear water. Been killing Em on natural colored senko and small swing impact fat t rigid with a red bead.
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