I have read a couple of those, but they are titanium frames with zirconium or sic inserts (can't remember which), and I've never seen a pic of one with grooves in the guides. And if they did it has a lifetime warranty. Also in regards to the post about expensive rods and spending 500 on a rod or reel, look at it like this. When I buy a rod or reel I look at it as an investment. Much like automobiles and most other things, you get what you pay for. Equipment that expensive is an investment. If maintenance is done on reels properly and rods are taken care of, rods and reels last forever. Unlike the motor in that corvette, a rod blank does not wear out. I don't care what anyone says, I can feel way more on my $300 rods than I can on my $100. And they feel better, balance better, and look better. They are also much lighter. The fury 735 weighs 6.3oz. The zodias 7'2" H weighs 4.4. I know its a lighter power, but my 7'1" mh aetos weighs just a hair over 4. 2 oz doesnt seem like much, but it makes a big difference when casying all day and when working a t-rig or jig with the tip up. Better equipment performs better, lasts longer, holds its value, and when taken care of properly can last a lifetime and be handed down to tour kids or grandkids. To the OP, good luck with your decision, but imho the aetos is definitely the best deal out there right now on a rod for $100, and I think you will be much happier with it than the e6x. I have fished an imx mbr 783 and I think the aetos was very close to it as far as sensitivity and maybe even better in my hands and since the e6x is a lower tier Loomis than the imx I would guess the aetos had the edge on the e6x in that department. The warranty is also better, and it has titanium guide frames versus stainless.