I'm looking for help gentleman. Sorry if this is a repost, initial search didn't yield results I was looking for.
I've had bass bump it, inspect it, but nothing has destroyed it yet.
My methods of using it:
Far cast, try to get it near vegetation (lilly pads etc.) Let it sit about 10 seconds or until wake is basically settled. I then give it a good enough tug that it submerges. Then I wait. I repeat this process until the lure is close to me, then reel in and repeat.
Sometimes I slow retrieve it, stop, pop it, wait for a possible inspecting fish to nail it, then slow retrieve again.
My question, am I popping it too hard? Should it be retrieved at all, or just popped over and over? I really enjoy fishing new baits and being successful with them. This one, I cannot get it going.
Also, I use 15# braid with a 20# mono leader and I tie it with a loop knot. (I usually fish heavy heavy vegetation areas.)