I started fishing in 1979 or so, when I was two or three. I know we hadn't moved from the country house yet, and we moved when I was three.
From that point I used mono. In 1996 I graduated high school. I worked for two years to save for college, and during that time my friends and I would go fishing -- bass fishing, catfishing, etc. We heard about this new braided stuff, but it cost $50 and our mono worked well.
1998 I went to college. I left my fishing stuff with Dad. I probably should have brought it, but I was really quite busy. It was spooled with mono when I left.
When I came back to my home town, life got busy and I only fished occasionally, and didn't keep up with the industry at all. I had an ultralight and a MH/F Daiwa rod with Dad's old Ambassadeur 5000 on it. It worked.
In 2013 I got married. We moved to the country, close to Salamonie, and I got involved in bassin' again. (My wife was pregnant and hard to live with...) I used mono.
When I ran out of properly-stored mono, I went to buy new stuff. Turns out the price had dropped lots on braid, so I bought some to try. I really liked it... not the first stuff, which was white, but I found some camouflage stuff which made sense to me given the vegetable soup in which I'd been fishing.
I really, really liked the increased sensitivity!
Is running mono on everything a bad idea? No. I did it for over 30 years. You have your different colors, you have your XL and XT stuff, and all you have to do to make the stuff untwist after a day of fishing is run the spool under hot water; this makes it take the memory of the spool.
I do think it's harder to keep the line tight on mono, and I think the coils that it can produce hurts, especially when fishing light. I like the zero stretch of braid.
Still, sometimes stretch is necessary, depending on technique and preference.
When you boil it all down, though, are you hurting yourself? I doubt it.