Personally, I would hate to see the sport changed drastically in order to suit a TV audience. I think BASS Live is awesome exactly how it is, the slow times are often just as interesting to me as any other....If you're a tournament angler you've been in those tough spots, it's awesome to see how some deal with it and either figure it out or get spun out.
I also don't believe that TV audience exists. When ESPN bought BASS they tried to do almost exactly what some are saying. I believe they even aired 2 hours of live coverage on ESPN2 a few years back. ESPN also sent the Mike and Mike radio show to broadcast live from the Classic once or twice. I even remember ESPN making a BassCenter show that had the SportsCenter theme music and everything, it failed miserably and was cancelled. ESPN really tried to make it mainstream and it didn't work.
There were also the MegaBucks tournaments where it was a set 'course' and each angler had a certain amount of time on each 'hole'. Heck, there was even a time when they incorporated a boat race time trial type of thing to some tournaments (not sure if that was under ESPN or not).
Tons of stuff has been tried, none has worked. The simple fact is that the audience is just too small and probably always will be...There are avid tournament anglers that don't even follow or care about the top level tours (I know several). Changing the format isn't going to make them care, in fact it will probably drive some away since many are like me and don't want to see the sport altered significantly to suit the masses.
On to KVD, just another example of why he's the GOAT. Should also help put to rest the 'one trick pony' thing too since he was sight fishing, using spinning tackle, and flipping for most of his fish .