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Logan S

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Everything posted by Logan S

  1. I don't think they will change anything major...And I don't think they should. They did a single year while the industry was chaotic, if they knee-jerk this quickly it would be a sign of larger internal trouble (IMO). If they do make a change, they shouldn't make any of these gimmicky things I keep seeing here and elsewhere...MLF/BPT has enough gimmicks already (also, IMO). If they want to emphasize big fish they just need to put a limit in place. Despite what @Team9nine wrote (and he seems to be connected somehow), I seriously doubt they will do it...More likely the ownership is just humoring the anglers by not shooting it down immediately. A limit would throw a wrench into a lot of their selling points...Most notably, the cut-line drama since they would be culling ounces within a limit (or not gaining any weight) instead of counting every fish's total weight....The movement up/down the leaderboard would be much less drastic, almost non-existent in the manner it is now at the end of a round. Lots of other big things too, but that's one I doubt they want to nerf...
  2. The best way to emphasize larger fish in a tournament format is to limit the total number of fish you count toward your weight total. What a novel idea . It automatically scales to the fishery or conditions and isn't skewed by big fish factories like Lake Fork or small fish events like Sabine or Winyah. If a 1lb fish is average, a 2lber is valuable (Sabine/Winyah)....If a 4lber is average a 6lber is valuable (Fork). You need to target and catch the valuable fish to win. It even works on a curve, for example in NY where a 9lber is extremely uncommon - If you did catch one it would help you exponentially. Apply the same idea to any lake with any size fish. When I catch a 6lber on the Potomac in a tournament it's WAY more valuable than three 2lbers or even two 3lbers. There's no need to bring points or equations into it. In the MLF format, the valuable fish are the ones you can catch the most of...And most of the time those tend to be smaller fish. It's not wrong, it's just different and a bit counter-intuitive to what most are used to. IMO if MLF is going to keep their format they should just keep it and run with it. This heavyweights tournament thing they are doing might hurt them more than it helps them in the long run as it's another reminder that MOST anglers, tournament or not, place a higher value on larger fish. The 2 formats are like 2 different games with different strategies. So it shouldn't be a shock that some guys are more suited to one or the other...With the best anglers being able to succeed in both.
  3. It's possible to see consistency in either format....But each format favors a different type of angler (in general). A smaller number of guys will (and have been) consistently successful in both, while most of the others will be consistently successful in one or the other. Don't forget that the MLF/BPT format of counting every fish is still very new to pretty much every angler on that tour. Even the original MLF pros that have been doing it for years are new to doing it full time - Prior to 2019 their primary focus was still with 5 bass limits, the MLF thing was sort of a sideshow for them until now. As long as the MLF/BPT format sticks around long term, I think you'll see more guys adapt to it.
  4. That's very true, I didn't think of the YouTube guys...But he and YouTubeFishingVids are probably more well known in general than any tournament angler . There's a couple other popular YT guys from MD and Northern VA. "Famous" means more than just tournaments, my mistake.
  5. Roland Martin is originally from MD, though I don't think he ever considered it is home state fishing wise. There have been a handful of pro anglers from MD, I think the best currently is Bryan Schmitt. He switched from FLW to the Elites this season and should be a contender.
  6. The standard 110 is a 'slow-float' not a true suspending bait. The 110 FX is a true suspending version. The Shadow Rap being a slow sink would technically be the opposite if you want to go that route...But don't forget you can weight the 110 ever so slightly to get it to slow sink if you wanted. Using Suspend-Strips on the body doesn't effect the action too much (I don't notice any difference).
  7. It's impossible for the boat to ALWAYS be in an ideal position for both anglers, even with the best intentions on the boater's part. A huge part of being a co-angler in tournaments is understanding this and adapting to it the best you can. If stuff like this makes someone miserable on the water they should probably try to reset/re-evaluate their expectations because regardless of the situation...a day on the water fishing, overall, should still be fun. I've fished a lot of tournaments with a lot of different co-anglers....The good ones catch fish regardless of what I'm doing with the boat, they adapt and make it work.
  8. My co's catch fish behind the boat with the same bait I'm using, so I wouldn't count it out. You might also ask if you can cast up the other side of the boat, some guys don't like that though....Including me in certain situations. If you do this, go with something heavier or deeper running so it gets down quicker since you're usually dealing with water a few feet deeper than the boater. When I'm doing what you describe I typically tell my co sorry for the poor angle first...And then tell him that he can either cast up ahead on the opposite side of the boat (most of the time), as long as he's careful not to get too close to the trolling motor - Or he can cast/drag behind the boat, as long as he understands I'm unlikely to back track 50 yards to get a snag. I've had co's catch fish both ways and I'm happy when they do. Regarding the situation in general...Like you said, it's something that happens occasionally. If that's how I'm having success I'm going to do it. Doesn't mean I go out of my way to do it, but it happens. Part of being a co is dealing with situations like this, I've never had anyone take it personally or get upset (not saying you are, but other people here seem to be). The only place I see people get up in arms about it is on the internet ?.
  9. Z18 is a nice boat, good for a first bassboat for sure...Ultrex and electronics also good options to start. A couple things you may not realize are nice to have are a hotfoot and jackplate. It's much easier to have these on the boat from the start than it is to add them later. I'd also throw in the blinker-trim switch, very convenient and relatively low cost. Not sure if any of these are standard on the Z18 or not, but if not I'd consider adding them. If you keep it outside or see yourself taking overnight/multi-day trips....Getting the factory custom cover is also something I'd highly recommend. I'd also max the HP at 175 (I think the Z18 is rated for it?). No one has ever regretted getting more HP but a great many regret getting less . Enjoy!
  10. Neither MD or VA have required snakeheads to be killed for many years....However both still encourage and recommend all snakeheads caught to be killed. https://dnr.maryland.gov/fisheries/Pages/snakehead.aspx "What can you do? If you catch a northern snakehead, harvest it." "The northern snakehead has been described as a voracious predator of fishes, freshwater crustaceans, and amphibians. Its native range (24-35°N) and temperature tolerance (0-30°C or 32-85°F) indicates that, if introduced, northern snakehead populations could become established throughout most of the contiguous United States and possibly adjoining Canadian provinces. Because of their feeding style, they could outcompete popular sport fish such as largemouth bass. Biologists are also concerned that they could introduce parasites and diseases that could harm native species." https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/snakehead/ "the Department asks that all snakeheads be killed if possible." "Ruffin’s Mill Pond has been joined recently by Hunting Run Reservoir (Spotsylvania County), Pelham Reservoir (Culpeper County), Abel Reservoir (Stafford County), Burke Lake (Fairfax County), and Occoquan Reservoir (Fairfax/Prince William line) as all waters receiving illegal stockings of northern snakeheads. An individual was arrested and prosecuted for illegally stocking snakeheads in Lake Brittle (Fauquier County) in 2015. A bill was passed during the 2017 Virginia General Assemble providing for increased penalties for persons illegally moving (stocking) snakeheads. Anglers are encouraged to visit these lakes and harvest all snakeheads caught. They are excellent table fare. Snakeheads were found to be self-sustaining in Lake Anna (York drainage) in 2017. Thus far, none have been found downstream of North Anna Dam. However, as of May 2018; they were reported from multiple reservoirs in the James River watershed – undoubtedly a result of callous, illegal stocking from short-sighted individuals." It's pretty clear that neither MD or VA view them as "no big deal" or in a positive light at all. I wish they would do more to try to catch the people moving them around....
  11. Not necessary...and that's coming from someone that owns and enjoys several DC models. In general, they aren't giving you abilities you don't have without DC. I can notice slight improvements when skipping - seems like I can get an extra skip or two of distance since I can back off the thumb a bit. I also like it on my chatterbait rods because I can go from long bomb casts, to skips, to short pitches, to left hand casts, back to bomb casts in the space of a couple minutes...The DC helps me keep all that in check a bit better (especially those left handed ones ). You have to be able to make these casts without DC, the DC just makes it a little cleaner. Also keep in mind that almost every DC reel model utilizes a different version of DC...With different settings and attributes. FWIW I've never considered the purpose/intention of DC to be preventing backlashes. IMO it's purpose is 'cleaning up' the small flaws in my cast due to my errors or the conditions, which can result in slightly better performance. Could be wrong, but that's my application of it anyway.
  12. Legend had you covered before they went out of business...The Legend 'Tactical'. ?
  13. Stop painting the blade on bladed jigs for EVERY color! Or if you do, offer it with painted and unpainted blades. Looking at you ZMan/Evergreen. I'd have a more Jackhammers if i could get a couple of those colors with gold blades....Specifically GP and BHite. My that's my current, biggest pet peeve ...but hey, it's saving me some money at least! EDIT: I got another one for online retailers....List the blade size on spinnerbaits! It's the most important feature of the bait and everything else is the same....I don't need to know about the space-age wires they mined from an asteroid (AKA the same wire every other one uses), tell me how big the blades are!
  14. If you're in MD, NOVA, or DC and looking for some fun and easy tournaments to fish next season, check out Fish On Bass Anglers. FOBA is a local bass club that is open to all without any obligations or participation requirements. You can participate as much or as little as you wish. The 2020 Tournament Schedule was released this week. FOBA is a great club for boaters and co-anglers....Any boater looking for a more affordable but still competitive tournament trail should check us out. We average 15-20 boats per event with 100% payback. If you're a co-angler, it's a great way to get started or have other options if you already fish tournaments. Club is based in Montgomery County, MD...But that's just the meeting location (only required 1 time per season), as you can see in the schedule we go to all the major bodies of water in the region. If you've ever wanted to fish any of these places it's a great way to do it, especially the further away lakes. For the travel events we travel and stay together, it's a good group environment and you won't be on your own. Bottom line, its not a typical club with lots of requirements on meetings and participation, we just want people to fish with us and we try to make it as easy as possible! www.fishonbassanglers.com Post or PM if you want anymore details. Thanks BR!
  15. If they intended to honor it all along, you'd think they would have told the guy that upfront. From what I saw it sounds like they told him he was SOL originally...Why else would he have brought it everyone's attention? They could be working on the paperwork now, after announcing it to calm the blowback.
  16. From Black Friday... You know what they say when you post sunrise/sunset pics but it beat sitting in the house.
  17. Not a good look for him and some of the other BPT anglers in the comments. Not exactly taking the high road. When you make a comment like that you inevitably open yourself up for a direct comparison with the two guys leaving and many of the other 'sheep' at BASS... It's sucks that it's come to this type of stuff.
  18. Brown, Green, and Spotted (All 110 fish semi-recently, I just wanted to post a pic too ) On the subject of other good jerkbaits. I also really like Duo baits, they have a similar JDM quality/feel as LC and MB and are priced right ($13-$14ish). I also still like to use Rouges from time to time, especially floating Rogues in the summer. I have a nice stash of LC Pointers too. MB 110 is still the king in my boat though ?
  19. Sometimes, yes...I don't think the head-to-head tells the whole story though, since I consider jerkbaits to be one of my strengths and the other guy might not. I've had a lot of co-anglers/partners struggle to get bit until I let them borrow a 110 though I look at the 110 in sort of the same way as a black/blue jig, it's got a proven track record. I might not be able to explain why, but I can see the pattern of success - Both personally and in reports from other anglers, tournaments, etc...
  20. Very sorry to hear, Tom...You, your son, and your family are in my family's prayers.
  21. Not 100% sure, but I think you can still use the sandwich-style bracket between the outboard and the hull without having a jackplate. But that requires removing the outboard to install - And if you're removing the outboard anyway, you may consider adding a jackplate while you're at it - And if you add a jackplate, you may consider using the standard jackplate mounts for the poles. ...So I guess my answer is Yes but it sort of turns into mounting them on a jackplate anyway, sorry ?
  22. Short answer is yes, the Vision 110 is the king of jerkbaits . They obviously aren't the only jerkbait that can catch bass...But you'd be hard pressed to find a bait with more of a proven track record from regular everyday guys all the way to the top professional anglers. I can't really explain why they seem to work better, but their record of success over the years tells me that they do. I can tell you why I personally like them. Excellent craftsmanship and consistency. Excellent color schemes and over 100 different color options - Some might not put much weight on that, but I personally love being able to get very specific on the color if I want to. And most importantly, they work very well for me! They aren't the only jerkbait I use but they are usually the first one's I tie on and it's not often that I take them off. I've been 'caught' by Megabass but I'm OK with that because they do a lot of catching for me .
  23. I've never thought mine weighs too much. It is a 7'2" heavy power though so it's not going to be the lightest rod you ever held...But I've never thought of mine as 'heavy'. I have a Core MG7 on mine which should be similar in weight to the new Mets and it balances well and feels very nimble in hand. I'm late, but I'll echo the recommendations for the Perfect Pitch. You won't give up anything on the frog side, it's an excellent standalone frog rod. It's tip is soft enough for the 6" senko though obviously not perfect for that task- But if you want to do both on the same rod, it will work. It can pull off any bottom contact techniques well, it's very sensitive.
  24. I do quite a bit of flipping and pitching and gave the snell thing a try for a while. I didn't notice a difference in hookup and landing ratios so I'm back to the palomar. Some guys swear by the snell and more power to them, but I'm fine with the palomar. I use worm weights more often than flipping weights, but it's not something I think about too much. I also use straight shank flipping hooks.
  25. Might consider a Phoenix? They are fast boats but are still in that 'standard' class of bass boats...As opposed to the Bullet/Allison/Gambler types that might be considered specialized on the speed side. The full size Phoenix models should run in the mid 70's or higher while still set up to actually fish (IE, not tweaking everything for speed). Might also want to look at modern models of all brands, most 250hp rigs (and some 225's) will hit 70+ these days, including some Ranger models. I have a 21' Skeeter and I can hit 74-75 with a light load...It cruises at 60mph very easily, with essentially no driver input. If 70mph is your number, it's not as hard to hit these days, so you may not need to look exclusively at the go-fast models.
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