1. Sometimes I don't pay full attention to where I'm casting and can't believe some of the places I get myself into. OF course its always the lure I can't bear to lose as well.
2.Smoking, I don't even think I'm doing that bad, if I"m out on the water for more than 4 hours, I better have more than one pack on stand by, I'll think I'm doing good and watching that I dont smoke so much, then I look down and the pack's empty.
3. THE WORST of ALL, (maybe best depending on how you look at it) ;D
Fishing 1 or 2 hours longer than I told my wife I would, most of the time I leave my cell phone off or don't take it at all in the boat and end up getting an earful of " you told me you'd be back at this time, you could have been dead, etc etc.. Happens everytime. and even if I compensate by adding a few hours, i'll still do it haha